
$60 bluetooth head mounted display.

The HMD is bluetooth enabled and compatible with both Linux and Android.

Similar projects worth following
The OLED display is a small .96" display controlled by an arduino nano board. The display receives text and commands from a HC-05 serial bluetooth module connected to the arduino. There is also a small speaker and RGB LED connected to the board. The OLED display, RGB LED, and speaker are all controllable over bluetooth. The device is powered by a adafruit powerboost module connected to a small 0.7Wh lipo battery. The optics are a small mirrored right angle prism and a magnifying lense. The frame and casing is all 3D printed with ABS using a solidoodle 2 pro printer. The Arduino communicates with the oled display using i2c (inter-integrated circuit). The RGB LED and the speaker use the arduino's digital output pins. The display is controlled over bluetooth using a application running on an Android phone or Linux terminal. The glasses are very portable and foldable.

Total cost ~$60.

System Design:


Component List:

  • Arduino Compatible Nano V3.0

  • PowerBoost 500 Basic

  • Oled Display Module

  • 3.7 volt - 180mAh 45C Lipo

  • HC-05 Wireless Bluetooth Serial Transceiver


  • micro-speaker

  • Common anode RGB LED

This project connects to networks through the bluetooth module. All the project files are open and available online.

View all 8 components

  • follow and like the new 3D AR glasses project.

    Tony E. Nazzal05/18/2017 at 06:53 0 comments
  • New micro display modules

    Tony E. Nazzal09/07/2016 at 18:29 0 comments

    New micro display modules have shown up on Amazon and Ebay. These look ideal for a wearable computer.

    Display: ONE TFT LCD display chips
    Resolution: 640×480 (WQVGA)
    Screen Ratio: 16:9
    Color Depth: 24-bit input
    Viewing Angle: 26° diagonal
    Image Input: Composite AV/CVBS
    Video Signal: NTSC/PAL/SECAM automatic selection
    Working voltage 3.7-5V
    Working current 120MA
    Power consumption 0.6W
    Supported formats "8-bit RGB-serial data,Hd,Vd,Valid,Clock
    CCIR 601, CCIR656"
    Display frame frequency 120HZ(NTSC),100HZ(PAL)
    Viewing Angle 26
    An exit pupil distance 20mm
    An exit pupil diameter 1-2m
    AV input P/N

  • Bluethooth head mounted display prototype V2.0

    Tony E. Nazzal03/16/2015 at 01:15 2 comments

    I'm working on a new prototype with smaller off the shelf components. This version will include a very tiny 10x16mm OLED display, RFDuino BLE 4.0, pololu 3.3v step-up voltage regulator, and optics components from anchor optics. Each component is much smaller than the first version. I'm attempting to reduce the size and weight of the optics with this version also. Please message me if anyone has ideas for improving the projection method.

  • gschem symbols on github

    Tony E. Nazzal09/25/2014 at 02:25 0 comments

    The gschem symbols for this project have been uploaded to github.

  • Example Code uploaded to Github

    Tony E. Nazzal08/19/2014 at 03:00 0 comments

    The example code has been uploaded to github under the MIT Open Source License. These examples demonstrate basic functions of the HMD, text, led control, and sound. There is a routine in the android example that mirrors the text to make it appear correct in the eyepiece. Please comment if anyone has questions or problems with the example code.

  • Optics

    Tony E. Nazzal07/30/2014 at 05:37 1 comment

    There are two main components to the HMD eyepiece. The wearer looks through a right angle prism that is 16x17mm on two sides and mirrored on the hypotenuse. The round side of the eyepiece holds a 22mm diameter plano-convex shaped lens. The prism is rotated 35 degrees to bring the viewing plane closer to the eye. The rounded side of the lens faces outward toward the OLED display and focuses perfectly on the display at 55mm from the edge of the eyepiece. The prism was obtained as part of a lot purchase on ebay, and the lens was salvaged from a little pair of binoculars. The software needs to draw to the display in reverse to make it appear correct in the eyepiece. 

  • Power consumption

    Tony E. Nazzal07/29/2014 at 04:00 0 comments

    The max current draw stayed at around ~50mA when the bluetooth module is connected. 0.7Wh / (5V *.05A) = 2.8h. Assuming the power boost module is about 90% efficient,  it equals about 2.52h of battery life per battery. The glasses can also be powered over USB using a portable battery pack.

  • STL 3D files uploaded to Thingiverse

    Tony E. Nazzal07/26/2014 at 23:35 0 comments

    The files used by most 3d printers have been uploaded to thingiverse at ( The files were exported from blender format to stl. Please message me if anyone needs the original blender project files. I used Slic3r version 1.1.6 to generate gcode from these files, and Repetier-Host 0.85c to load the gcode and print these on my Solidoodle 2.

  • System Design creation using DIA

    Tony E. Nazzal07/26/2014 at 20:35 0 comments

    DIA is a free program used to draw diagrams. It is a versatile program that can create many types of structured diagrams. To create the diagram I simply opened DIA and added a few box shapes from the flowchart section. I then named the boxes with the top level components of my system. The last step is to connect the diagram components using arrow lines. Finally, I saved my diagram and exported it to an image ready to upload. More information about this software can be found on the DIA home page (

  • Project schematic created using gschem

    Tony E. Nazzal07/26/2014 at 17:55 0 comments

    gschem is a free schematics editor and is part of the gEDA project. I found gschem fairly intuitive and easy to use. The first thing I did was to create the custom symbols for my components and add them to the gchem config file. After the components were created and loaded, I simply added them to the project and connected the pins.

    More information can be found on the gEDA wiki:

View all 10 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Circuit schematic.

View all instructions

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cyber99x wrote 03/04/2019 at 02:11 point

Hello good night your project is very nice and interesting, a different configuration could be using an Arduino Pro mini 3.3v but to program it is something more complicated by the ftdi you will reduce much the cost and consumption also of your whole device comparing it with an Arduino mega, then you could use the HC-08 modules that are very low power consumption (BLE), and the distance signal is much greater than the traditional HC-05/06 MLA-709190112-modulo-hc-08-bluetooth-40-ble-arduino-transceptor-gtia-_JM? Quantity = 1, you have placed a new screen proposal in your references and I will attach another one so you can see if you did not know about her, I would like later if it is possible more information about the optics that you used so I read these using a prism and a lens, you could place some link of references on both and if possible the graphic file that you published to make some tests with some animation ( )

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L29Ah wrote 04/08/2018 at 03:14 point

So, is it 640x480 or WQVGA?

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John Gruenenfelder wrote 08/31/2014 at 07:05 point
This is a fantastic project. I don't see it expressly denied here... and I'm sure you don't want to become a HMD factory, but would it be possible to purchase one, or at least the printed pieces? If not, you have fortunately provided all the schematics and I know there's a Maker spot around here somewhere that must have access to a 3D printer.

Anyway, good show!

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 09/03/2014 at 18:03 point
Hi John, please take a look at the example code on github also.

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superminer97 wrote 08/19/2014 at 10:55 point
woukd be nice to see what you see when its on your head

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 08/19/2014 at 17:37 point
Good idea, i'll work on that when i have time.

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 08/15/2014 at 23:39 point
Hello Tony, please review your project documentation to ensure it has everything we require for it to be considered for the next round of The Hackaday Prize.

By August 20th you must have the following info on your project page:
- A video. It should be less than 2 minutes long describing your project. Put it on YouTube (or Youku), and add a link to it on your project page. This is done by editing your project (edit link is at the top of your project page) and adding it as an "External Link"
- At least 4 Project Logs
- A system design document. Please highlight it in the project details so we can find it easily.
- Links to code repositories, and remember to mention any licenses or permissions needed for your project. For example, if you are using software libraries you need to document that information in the details.

You should also try to highlight how your project is 'Connected' and 'Open' in the details and video.

There are a couple of tutorial video's with more info here:

Good luck!

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 08/19/2014 at 17:38 point
Thanks Jasmine, I think I have everything now.

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Mis012 wrote 08/14/2014 at 18:09 point
And if I don't own a 3D printer? And don't know about any near 3D printer for public use?

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PointyOintment wrote 08/14/2014 at 22:19 point

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Klemens Thaler wrote 08/05/2014 at 09:43 point
What about the software on the Arduino?

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 08/14/2014 at 04:21 point
I will be posting the arduino and android example code soon.

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linux wrote 07/29/2014 at 18:38 point
For $60 i'd buy one

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avishorp wrote 07/29/2014 at 05:55 point
Nice work. I'm also looking forward to hear about the optics. I was facing similar problems with my ASTROGUN project.

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j0z0r pwn4tr0n wrote 07/28/2014 at 21:31 point
What is the average battery life per charge?

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 07/29/2014 at 05:02 point
Please see my latest project log about power consumption.

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Arcadia Labs wrote 07/28/2014 at 16:28 point
Very nice project, I'd like to know more about the optics

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Tony E. Nazzal wrote 07/29/2014 at 04:57 point
Thanks, I'll post details about the optics later this week.

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Steven L. wrote 07/28/2014 at 12:54 point
Hey, nice project! Re: the optics part, are you using a beam splitter or a little mirror?

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john.ohno wrote 07/28/2014 at 12:40 point
Looking forward to seeing the info on the optics.

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