

Let's Shrink Arduino Projects, Robotics and Automation You all did with Arduino UNO. Now There is Shrinkified Version Here!

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Let's Shrink Arduino Projects, Robotics and Automation You all did with Arduino UNO. Now There is Shrinkified Version, Fully Reliable, Tested and Open Source which allows full 8K Memory. Afterall Every Byte is Necessary. Presented Here is the Working of BABYDUINO Board. The Board needs Arduino or USB to TTL Programmer or Bootloader to Program It. However it is extremely Easy. It is Compatible with Arduino IDE.

Arduino is a Big Board With Large Number of pins but what if you don't need that pins and want something tiny, then You Need This Board and you gotta love it while Using. Make Robots, Play with it, sense, Make Weather Station , Make Small Games and much more in this Shrinkified Baby Arduino.


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  • 1 × ATtiny 13 A
  • 1 × Button
  • 2 × 4 pin Header
  • 1 × 220 Ohms Resistor
  • 1 × LED Fiber Optics / Emitters

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  • 1

    Arduino Is Extremely Useful and powerful Development Board. Suppose You Just want to interface RGB LED, or just LED using a button, then just use Babyduino for prototyping this small systems taking least space. Suppose You are making multitasking robot then there is always small space for prototyping. This Board can be used for controlling Motors Or LEDs. Some Specifications are mentioned Below:

    • Open Source Hardware!
    • Use with standard Arduino IDE or AVR StudioAllows
    • FULL use of the 8K memory on the chip (no bootloader needed!)
    • All pins broken out for use.
    • Reset button on board
    • Easy to assemble due to through hole construction
    • Easy to replace chip.
    • Also easy to take your programmed chip and put it in a final more permanent project. Small and Inexpensive Design.
  • 2
    The Circuit

    Assemble the Components On PCB Or Breadboard as shown in Circuit Diagram. Here we are Using ATTiny 13 Micro controller. A reset Button is Placed along Pin1(Reset) and GND of ATTiny. Headers are placed for each and every pin of ATTiny which makes it easier to connect it with Arduino or any other Modules or Sensors. LED is Interfaced at PB1 as shown in Circuit Diagram.

  • 3
    Connections To Arduino

    BABYDUNO is Compatible With Arduino IDE.

    We shall use Arduino UNO as USB to TTL Converter and Upload Program using Arduino As ISP.


    D10 of Arduino to Reset of BABYDUINO

    D11 of Arduino to PB0 of BABYDUINO

    D12 of Arduino to PB1 of BABYDUINO

    D13 of Arduino to PB2 of BABYDUINO

    GND of Arduino to GND of BABYDUINO

    3.3V of Arduino to VCC of BABYDUINO

View all 3 instructions

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