
Internet-of-Things Power Meter

Simple, cheap, easy to build and deploy, the IoT Power Meter provides accurate statistics on household power consumption.

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The Internet-of-Things Power Meter is a device fixed on top of the regular household power meter that provides detailed information about the electricity usage. Modern power meters have a LED blinking every time a watt-hour is used, the IoT Power Meter detects these flashes using a light sensor, counts them and publishes the data to a MQTT broker.

Usually power companies provide very rough electricity usage data, the IoT Power Meter provides data with a minute resolution as well as live power consumption. Knowing the household electricity usage allows to extrapolate statistics and can give precise numbers about the costs.

The IoT Power Meter was made with simplicity of assembly and cost in mind. The device is easy to build, program and cheap to deploy and use. One can basically buy the parts, assemble, program and deploy it without any knowledge about the inner workings, however contribution to the development of this open-source project is welcome and encouraged.

One of the goals of the IPM is to sensibilise people to their power consumption via providing information on how much and when it is used, as lowering ones power usage is just as effective in mitigating the worldwide energy issues as creating new renewable ways to produce it.

After the first version of my IoT project measuring my power consumption I wanted a better finished project that had a higher resolution (minutes instead of hours), local storage and a server that could be accessed to see live power usage.

I also wanted a cheap project that could be easy to source and build. The IPM is open-source and documented in a way that anybody can assemble one and program it. The total cost is about $20, the complete bill of materials is available with links to source each component.

IoT Power Meter

Gerber files for PCB by Steve Bowles.

Zip Archive - 442.63 kB - 09/16/2018 at 14:26


  • 1 × ESP8266-12E with breakout
  • 1 × I2C OLED screen 128x64
  • 1 × Light sensor
  • 1 × SPI Micro SD card reader
  • 1 × Micro SD card At least 16MB, so anything is good really...

View all 14 components

  • PCB by Steve Bowles

    Solenoid09/16/2018 at 14:43 0 comments

    Steve Bowles was interested in this project and decided to draw up a PCB for it. He basically laid out my perfboard circuit on a PCB, which makes assembly so much more convenient. You can find his files in the files section of this project.

  • Refactoring with Node-RED and MQTT

    Solenoid09/09/2017 at 22:35 0 comments

    I've recently learned how to use Node-RED and MQTT and I wanted to try them out in. I decided to refactor this project as it was difficult to maintain the way it was made. I was pleasantly surprised, actually this was exactly what I had imagined from the start:

    My goal was to build a system that I could check whenever I wanted, from any platform and that did not require any additional infrastructure or services. That's why I aimed at a self-contained system to log, serve a webpage and publish data to the cloud.

    Doing all this on an ESP8266 was possible, but challenging. Indeed, it did not handle concurrent web requests or large data transfers well, uploading data to Google Spreadsheets was riddled with obstacles (because of SSL), logging methods and space were limited and testing was bothersome.

    Node-RED allowed to unload the hard work form the ESP, actually it was simply a matter of publishing MQTT messages to a broker and the rest of the program could be "written" on the Node-RED server:

    This had many advantages:

    • The front end could be served to multiple clients at the same time
    • The widgets offer a clear visualisation of the power consumption
    • Data uploading to the cloud is easily handled by a computer
    • New data processing and visualisation features could be added without having to change the ESP code
    • Virtually no size limit on the locally logged data
    • Data can be stored in actual databases
    • Less complex code on the ESP8266

    As I had a Raspberry Pi running 24/7 to handle various things around the house it was simply a matter of installing Node-RED and the MQTT broker and point the IoT Power Meter to the server.

    A final note on this log: this project has made me much more aware of my energy consumption, how much certain things around the house consume and what it costs me. I started this project as a learning opportunity and a fun way to do something potentially useful. I now realise its true potential is to give me an incentive on getting the lowest numbers possible.

  • The IPM in the wild!

    Solenoid07/08/2016 at 10:23 0 comments

    Peter contacted me recently about the Internet-of-Things Power Meter he built with the help of the instructions here, it's kind of a milestone for me to see it in the wild. It shows the true power of open hardware and the advantage of using a perfboard as component support.

    He did not place the parts the same way as I did, from this I take that the hardware design is not that crucial as long as the schematics are provided.

    Peter had trouble getting the IPM to connect to his Wi-Fi access point, after suspecting a faulty ESP chip and ordering new parts it turned out the access point itself was the issue.

    I'm truly grateful for his feedback and hope getting updates in the future to make this project better.

    If you have built an IPM yourself please send me some pictures of your setup and suggestions on how to improve the software, hardware, building instructions...

  • IoT Power Meter deployed

    Solenoid05/28/2016 at 07:26 0 comments

    The IPM is finally deployed and counts the blinks. Everything seems to be working well and there's already some things happening that are worth mentioning.

    Robust blink reading

    The household power meter is in the basement, there is no parasitic light sources that could make the light detector go off without a blink. I tried shining a flashlight on it and it didn't count extra blinks, so pretty robust.

    More useful than ever

    Immediately after deploying it I saw the difference with the old system, the minute resolution allows to clearly see when the heat pump is on.

    I tried turning on and off various household appliances to see the difference in live power usage, it works! Basically this device can tell you how much power an appliance uses.

    The dryer had a peak power usage in the end of its cycle, I suspect there's something else that consumed power as well... I need to dry more clothes to confirm that. The other appliances, such as the fridge, computer, lights... are drowned in the ground hum of about 400-600Wh (7-10Wmin).

    Useful log system

    The log system has already paid off: the IPM missed one hour on Google Spreadsheets, the log indicated that the upload failed, now it's a matter of finding out why, but that's already much better than the first version where I had no idea what was going on.

    Thanks to the data on the SD card I was able to manually copy the missing data to the spreadsheets, however this is typically something that could be automated in the future.

    Debounce issue fixed

    As with the first version the IPM tends to read one LED pulse multiple times. I used the same debouncing technique. The multiple reading is because the signal has a ringing to it, perhaps due to some weird optic or electric effect that I don't care enough about to investigate.

    The debouncing works, but now the system has a fundamental limit: a light pulse from the LED takes 100ms, after the first rising edge pulses are ignored for 200ms to avoid reading the same pulse multiple times. This means the maximum instantaneous power reading can only be:

    The limit is pretty high, the highest number, during one hour, recorded by the old system was 6.6kWh, so there's some margin. There may be peaks over 18kW however and this might not be a good solution for everybody. There are other ways to debounce a signal, but I'm not going to mess with the counter now that it has been deployed.

  • Code updates

    Solenoid05/26/2016 at 09:49 0 comments

    No OTA updates

    It seems it will be impossible to implement over the air (OTA) firmware updating because the code is too big. To update the SPI flash memory over the air the internal memory is split in two: one partition runs the current code, the other partition gets the updated code and upon reboot the code in the other partition is executed. During the next OTA update the first partition is rewritten, etc.

    This essentially means that the available memory is divided by two and currently the code already uses about 70+% of the SPI flash memory.

    Google Spreadsheets SHA1 fingerprint changes

    Google seems to change its SHA1 certificate depending on the server you land on, this means the hardcoded SHA1 fingerprint in the code will fail from time to time. It doesn't affect the code submission as the IPM can just ignore the mismatch and still send the data, I removed the SHA1 verification so that the requests would still go through, a bit unfortunate though.

    Token for Google script

    I added a token check for the Google script, this way even if the Google script URL is disclosed the token will prevent somebody else messing with the entries.

    To use it define the googleSpreadSheetsToken variable in the config.h file and enter the same token for the TOKEN variable in the Google script.

    Event logger

    I was interested in seeing how the IPM was doing over a long period of time. I made a logger function that saves some events such as Wi-Fi reconnections, data uploading tries and the total daily power usage to log.txt file in the root of the SD card. This file can be viewed by logging in the IPM and opening it in the file browser.

  • Uploading data to Google Spreadsheets

    Solenoid05/23/2016 at 11:23 0 comments

    The ESP8266 being an IoT platform it would be suitable to make it upload the power usage data to the cloud.

    Uploading data to Google Spreadsheets is not the most straight forward task to however: a script (written in JavaScript) must receive, process and save the data in the right cell, under the correct date and time.

    Here are the steps to get your IPM to upload hourly data to Google Spreadsheets, you can use the same method for any kind of IoT logger of course.

    I chose to upload hourly data instead of minute data because the columns in Google Spreadsheet are limited to 256, the IPM would need 3 + 24 * 60 = 1443 columns if every minute was stored in a separate cell. The minute data remains accessible on the SD card.

    Google Spreadsheets

    Assuming you have a Google Drive account create a new Spreadsheets document:

    You will be presented with a blank spreadsheet, the sheet should be formatted as follows:

    The first column is for the date, second column is a sum of columns D to AA and third column is the cost of electricity that day.

    The cost formula depends on what kind of plan you're on, I happen to have a double profile tariff where off-peak kWh price is cheaper (22h-6h and weekends), so the cost formula depends on the hour of the day and what day it is.

    Rename the current sheet from "Sheet1" to "Day" from the bottom of the screen. This is important for later.

    Get the spreadsheet ID from the URL bar above, this is needed by the script code to know which spreadsheet it should update. The ID is the highlighted part of the following picture (yours will be different of course):

    Finally make a script by going to Tools -> Script Editor... in the top menu:

    You should now be presented with a blank canvas where you can write your code. You can simply use my code as a base, the only thing you need to change is the variable named SPREADSHEET_ID, the very same you got from the step before.

    Once you have made your changes you need to publish the script as a web app so the IPM to call it, for this go to Publish -> Deploy and web app... menu:

    Next choose the following configuration, otherwise it will not work:

    • Execute the app as: Me (<myemail>
    • Who has access to the app: Anyone, even anonymous

    It will ask you to authorise the code execution on your behalf, simply click Allow. You only need to do this once.

    You'll be presented with the URL you can call for the script to be executed:

    Obviously you shouldn't disclose this address, however even if somebody does get their hands on this URL there's not much they can do with it.

    Note: if you ever want to change anything in the code you need publish the script again as a new version (select Project version: New) or it will not have any effect, I lost so many hours figuring that one out...

    To test the script you can call something like:
    This should create a new row with a date:

    Note: the timezone and daylights savings time are set in the script, you only need to modify the TIMEZONE variable to an IANA time zone value, you can find the complete list of timezones here. The region configures the daylight savings time as well.

    Google Spreadsheets is a pretty powerful tool, you can draw graphs using the data you have, for example you could visualise the hours your household uses the most electricity, the average power usage every month, total power usage over the year...

    IoT Power Meter

    The only modification the IoT Power Meter code needs is the script ID in the config.h file:

  • Web user interface (front end)

    Solenoid04/09/2016 at 10:38 0 comments

    The web user interface currently consists of a live power counter, a total day counter and a graph showing daily used power with a minute resolution.

    An example of the current state of the front end, these are dummy numbers:

    It is based on jQuery Mobile as it's simple, pretty and quickly implemented, it's also touch-screen friendly making it usable on smartphones and tablets. The graph is generated by the C3 library. The libraries are hosted by Google which make loading times faster and less work for the ESP, although it requires Internet connectivity.

    The administration page is an unmodified version of what's coming with the SDWebServer example of ESP8266 code for Arduino IDE. It can show all the files on the SD card and allows uploading and downloading files.

    The files can be updated by uploading a file with the same path and name.

  • Upcoming features

    Solenoid04/04/2016 at 21:31 1 comment

    The IPM is not finished yet, I would like to add a number of additional features, if time and motivation allow for them:

    • Over-the-air (OTA) programming using the web page
    • Configure Wi-Fi and access credentials with access point (AP) mode
    • Make something useful with the short and long presses of the button, for example:
      • Short press: toggle between the stats and an "analog style" counter on the OLED screen
      • Long press: Wi-Fi configuration mode
    • Design and order proper printed circuit boards
      • The perfboard is kind of challenging to assemble, but the eBay components would stay as they're annoying to source individually

    I welcome any contributions to the source if anybody's motivated, maybe I can motivate contributions with free PCBs, hmm...

  • Show me the source code!

    Solenoid04/03/2016 at 09:25 0 comments

    The IPM files, including source code, are now published on GitHub, the project is not yet finished, but can already be used at this stage. The documentation and project progress logs stay on while it's still in development.

    To configure the IPM one must currently edit the credentials in config_dummy.h file and rename it to config.h:

    1. Install Arduino IDE 1.6.8
    2. Install GitHub version of ESP8266 Arduino core
    3. Select Tools->Board->Generic ESP8266 Module
    4. Connect the IPM to the computer using an FTDI programmer (set jumper to 3.3V), but do not connect the 5V yet (red wire)
    5. Edit the config_dummy.h file, enter the proper credentials and change the authentification information
    6. Rename config_dummy.h to config.h
    7. Hold the button down
    8. Connect the 5V (red wire)
    9. Click upload in Arduino IDE

    Every time it has to be reprogrammed the steps 7-8-9 must be repeated. If the button is not pressed before power is applied it will simply start the program and the upload will fail.

  • Licencing

    Solenoid03/30/2016 at 21:04 0 comments

    The project got this far thanks to the free tools like Arduino IDE, examples, community behind the ESP8266 and bits and pieces all over the internet. I'd like to share this work so that it could be modified, adapted and used by other people as well.

    Software licence

    The software of this project is based on a number of libraries, it must follow the licensing rules stated by them first. However different parts were licensed with different licences, which is very annoying.

    As an engineer legal text is out of my domain and frankly I wouldn't want to mess with it as much as possible, however to make my work available to others this is a necessity for some reason.

    The table on the ESP8266 Arduino GitHub page lists all the licences that their work is based on and since the IPM software, in turn, is based on theirs it must comply with them:

    The licences have different requirements, made relatively easy to understand thanks to this page.

    The current software has to comply with LGPL because the code borrows a lot from the SDWebServer example and it requires derivative work to adopt the same licence. LGPL also permits to publish under GPL (but not vice versa).

    GPL has a "bigger restriction" than LGPL (stronger copyleft) in that all derivative work, be it used as a library or not, must adopt the same licence. I like the fact that all derivative work based on this project needs to published it under the same very permissive licence, so I'm publishing it under the GNU General Public License.

    The L/GPL also requires documentation, which I think is just as important as the project itself.

    Hardware licence

    I don't really care about people selling this project, or derivatives of it, and making a profit. However I very much care about making these works just as available as this project, so that is why I decided to go with Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License for the hardware.

View all 20 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    The first step is to prepare the perfboard, it should have a size of 23 by 12 holes.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Prepare the wires and place them on the perfboard like so. The color code here is:

    • Red: VCC (3.3V)
    • Black: GND
    • White: signal (SCL)
    • Blue: signal (SDA)
    • Green: signal (MOSI)
    • Yellow: signal (button)
    • Resistor: 10kOhm

  • 3
    Step 3

    Solder everything and cut the excess.

View all 13 instructions

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kkol26 wrote 02/02/2022 at 11:05 point

Great project just have thoughts on what will be the best way to boost the sampling rate of the meter? Thanks.

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 04/02/2021 at 00:05 point

This is an interesting project because it does not require dangerous installation since it is based only on reading the flashing frequency of meter's LED. I am trying to reproduce all the elements. Did you develop the mobile application or is it generic? Can you provide the download link or the sources? Thanks

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Solenoid wrote 04/02/2021 at 00:08 point

Thanks. It's a generic modile of NodeRED, it's essentially a web application, you can customize the widgets as you want. Unfortunately, there is nothing much to document, just a WYSIWYG kind of editor in NodeRED.

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iluhis wrote 10/21/2020 at 23:16 point

seems like the LED on your meter is OFF normally and if flashing ON when there is a new count. Mine meters` LED is ON normally and blinks OFF. Can there be any problems while implementing your version on mine meter?

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Solenoid wrote 04/02/2021 at 00:09 point

I suppose you can configure the interrupt to trigger on a falling edge rather than a rising edge, it shouldn't be more complicated.

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ELNINO wrote 11/01/2019 at 05:42 point

Did you 3D print your casing? I have so many questions to ask though. So are you just sending the pulses over the wire to the node-red server? What is the purpose of the SD card module?

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Piotr wrote 10/28/2018 at 22:05 point

Is it possible to get the "function" node in node red also :) ?

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christianrosenkrantz wrote 10/24/2018 at 14:07 point

Is it possible to get the "function" node in node red?  

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Priyank C wrote 04/18/2017 at 13:38 point


How about adding the non invasive current sensor or may be build using copper wire and ferrous core. The system can be put near the power box (MCBs) These sensors can be wrapped around the wires going out of the box to different rooms/ equipments.

This way data could be more nuclear like which component is using how much as what time.

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Solenoid wrote 09/16/2018 at 14:35 point

That's a different approach, I wanted a solution that didn't require messing with high-voltage. Having an equipment-based power readout would be very interesting, there are already commercial products for that which connect between the mains socket and the device.

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kidrocker wrote 02/12/2017 at 20:31 point

Until today i wondered if the project i imagined (and just started) has already been done by someone. You are the first that really did (that i know)! Congrats!
As i am realy no fan of arduino IDE (and programming style) i try to do it using plain espressig sdk and lets see what else is needed. But i am so thankful for having some code to look into if things do not work as expected. Thanks a lot. Will let you know, if i have something ready to show.

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Solenoid wrote 09/16/2018 at 14:31 point

It's true that Arduino IDE has its shortcomings, but more often that not, for projects like this, the ends justify the means. Arduino IDE is simple and works, Epressif SDK has a steeper learning curve and doesn't have nearly as many libraries to get you from idea to prototype in a single week-end.

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Alex Samorukov wrote 01/29/2017 at 22:19 point

It sounds strange - you are using pulse when there is a IR port on the counter. I just used one on my counter and getting info directly from the meter, including t1/t2 data.

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Solenoid wrote 09/16/2018 at 14:29 point

That's true, however I was not familiar with the protocol and the LED solution was more universal as it could be applied to different models.

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avantika wrote 10/06/2016 at 13:12 point

sir, can you please send me circuit diagram of iot power meter .

e-mail id -

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janjan wrote 08/20/2016 at 21:03 point

Interesting project!

If you use a Wemos D1 mini you don't need to make a PCB. Wemos D1 mini + SD Shield + OLED shield. Then you only need 3 wires to the Optical receiver. Even In the official shop it is also cheaper:  No need for 3V3 converter, FTDI, button, resistor. You can program it with a standard USB cable. Maybe the CS for the SD is not the same, so you have to adjust it in the software.

You can also made your own SD shield with a SD / micro SD adapter and a  pin header and a standard OLED display for $2.77 on aliexpress and there are even cheaper clones of the Wemos. Total cost about $7 without USB cable, power adapter and housing.

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aliremaitybook wrote 02/02/2019 at 20:09 point

you're right ,this project is interesting i was thinking of it ,i will use node mcu instead of the PCB that he is using without the ftdi and the 3v3 converter

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George I Fomitchev wrote 08/15/2016 at 06:42 point


is there any demand to send this data to server? we have an ability to do it through a DIY SelfieBot protocol

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enjoypl wrote 03/23/2016 at 12:28 point

If you don't think solar pays back either you did the calculations wrong, you're buying from an overpriced source or you live in an area that won't be viable for decades to come. 

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Solenoid wrote 03/23/2016 at 12:40 point

I'm fairly sure my calculations are right, it's about the absurd prices over here, I asked quotes from 4 different providers. Of course solar pays, very well even, but only when used right. Also because of stringent regulations it's often impossible to install solar panels yourself on your own house, so you can't even go the DIY way.

A huge international company here bought a lot of solar panels, it covered the whole factory roof, probably invested a couple millions, it was paid off in 18 months (economy of scale). As far as particulars go it doesn't make any sense yet.

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enjoypl wrote 03/23/2016 at 23:50 point

I could see it costing a bit depending on your locale. Continental US down to South America and Europe/Africa really don't encounter those problems. I can walk you through the calcs if you think it was anything on that, otherwise I just suggest buying straight from a manufacturer and see what the quote on freight is. 

You could also look for grade B solar panels, those are dirt cheap and typically have no true performance issues. 

Whole Sale Solar

Sun Elec

Edison Solar Sales

Blue Pacific Solar

Edited to include:
Wow, Switzerland is ridiculous. And the payback for the worse parts in the US is 7 years without looking for a stretch of a deal ( I did the math on a few systems to post for you, but obviously it doesn't apply! )

I found this link, should be helpful for you.

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Solenoid wrote 03/25/2016 at 07:07 point

@enjoypl: It's pretty bad in Switzerland yeah, I don't know what the providers are thinking by trying to sell panels in an unsustainable way for the client (Romande Energie, Helion Solar, Hanergy, Younergy). Maybe it's because they're counting on government subsidies and inflating their prices proportionally, but the subsidies have gone down recently since a lot of people have been investing in solar lately (actually now the government doesn't have enough to cover their promised subsidies). 

It's possible that in some cases panels on private houses are sustainable, but the fact that two of the providers tried to sell me their product by saying that "some people do it out of their consciousness" rather than a financial investment says something.

I'll be waiting for a while and looking into providers outside of the local pool of nonsense.

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David wrote 03/22/2016 at 12:10 point

This, my friends, is how you write project logs!

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snoopy86 wrote 01/09/2016 at 14:58 point

Oh, i guess your right. I thought that this bulkier version is older. I have this one and have no problems.

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Solenoid wrote 01/09/2016 at 21:20 point

This is the ESP8266-01 board, I needed more GPIO for all the peripherals, the chip is the same anyway. I'm waiting on some ESP8266-12E's with breakout to verify if I'm having hardware issues.

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snoopy86 wrote 01/08/2016 at 06:56 point

I see you have the old version of ESP chip. Maybe that is the source of your problems. I'm using newer version and it works like a charm with the combination of emontx.

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Solenoid wrote 01/08/2016 at 08:56 point

Really? How do you see if it's an older version? This is the ESP8266-12E which is more recent than the ESP8266-12 I believe... Maybe software wise

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