
107 Results for ""

  • Exhibition Position

  • Huaxing Intelligent Control UWBLOC positioning system adopts self-developed wireless pulse ranging technology to achieve precise positioning of exhibition hall personnel and exhibits. The positioning accuracy is better than 30 cm. By setting the base...
  • Apple][+ Videx Videoterm Card (80 Columns) Emulation

  • // Videx Videoterm Card Emulator // by Augusto Baffa feb 2024 // // Based on Apple II Simulator // by Peter Koch, May 6, 1993 int videx_slot = 3; bool card_videx = true; bool card_videx_mem_on = false; bool card_videx_80col = false; class VidexCard...
  • Build error : What's wrong? : Help me!

  • root@UbuntuServer:/home/ymatsui/RPi_Pico_WAV_Player/build# llTotal 292drwxr-xr-x  9 root root   4096 11/6 01:34 ./drwxr-xr-x  9 root root   4096 11/5 18:49 ../-rw-r--r--  1 root root  20615 11/6 01:34 CMakeCache.txtdrwxr-xr-x ...
  • Phased array signal processing

  • Link: IQ data for dummiesLink: Generating Complex Baseband and Analytic Bandpass Signals Link: I and Q Components in Communications Signals and Single SidebandIQ (In-phase and Quadrature) There are a lot of literature that explains the...
  • Pi For Breakfast

  • Slow Sundays. As usual I was awoken by the Magpies, who have successfully raised a screeching and slightly demented but otherwise identical copy of themselves, but in another tree after abandoning the one outside my bedroom window. They didnt like the...

  • The novel coronavirus has caused nearly more than 80 thousand confirmed cases nationwide, and the respirators and respirators are in short supply in recent months. Not only that, but the situation abroad is also not optimistic. The cumulative number...
  • stm32g0, openocd, and mecrisp stellaris - part 2

  • Let's get to some more real-world examples.  First, we can look at a color-pill.  Pick a color.  If you search for "blue pill" or "green pill" or "red pill" and tac "stm32" on to the search, they all bring up useful information. ...
  • 2021 Deep Anatomy of SQ-001 Soldering Iron

  • About Soldering Iron Hey guys,this is Candy, from Guangxi Crossing Aircraft Group.  I am an RC fan. Basically, as long as my friends around me organize competitive flying activities, I will participate. But in a competitive flying competition, all...

  • With the continuous development of a single-chip microcomputer, the counting equipment tends to be automatic. It needs an automatic technical device with real-time, high efficiency, and accuracy to meet the counting requirements of the modern production...
  • ST-211

  • /*320  160 80  40  20  10  5  0    0   1   1   0   0  1 =   $1.25  = 0x19 =25  0    0   1   1  ...
  • Phased array pulse design

  • Continuous wave or CW First a couple of links to some background explanations: Link: Radar tutorial on CW Link: Radar tutorial on range resolution CW pulse CW pulse consist of a constant frequency and a duration (pulse length). Range resolution...