
138 Results for "3D printing"

  • Everything looks like a (plastic) nail ..

  • To a man with a hammer (3d printer) ... everything looks like a (plastic) nail … OK.  Whew.  Turns out that 3D printing is addictive.   Who would have thought?   It’s been about a month now since I got my (first, only) Prusa...
  • Ancient digital clock revived, and a project box

  • Among the old projects in my junk box was a digital clock I made in the late 70s, using the National Semiconductor MM5371, a one chip clock. Back in the day I used an iron core transformer to supply power. I decided to replace this with a wall wart supply...
  • 0x02 NTTF - Stargate LED matrices [UPDATE]

  • First let me apologize for the pictures, I was too lazy to grab my DSLR so my "trusty" Samsung Galaxy S2 had to be enough.So let's dive into my adventure with SMD soldering with a toaster oven. I had all I would need to test this method myself. The boards...
  • Open Hardware Summit: video recording of talks

  • The annual Open Hardware Summit took place on September 27th at MIT, and all the exciting and insightful presentation were live streamed to YouTube! The live stream is broken into morning session and afternoon session. Morning...

  • One day I was browsing a website with models for 3D printing and saw a picture of an AtomPunk-style rocket there. At that moment, an image of a rocket lamp made of bare PCBs and LED-lit acrylic instantly popped into my head. The first design was ready...
  • Generative design + Laser printing example

  • I was using Fusion360 to create a spatial structure with generative design to support internal parts of the device.The idea was to pack everything as neat as possible and looked like this: All the parts (but casing) were supposed to be 3d printed, in...
  • Running List of Ideas

  • Note: Not all of these ideas are original, they are just things I'm interested in building.  Areas of Interest:  -Free Open-Source Software and Hardware -Low Cost -Low Power -Solar and Wind Power -Microcontrollers - ESP32, Arduino, Very...
  • Omni-Sphere

  • In this article I'm going to go over a 2in diameter omnidirectional sphere I designed.  Prior Designs and Builds The design is based of what is shown in this video. This video shows the same design, but scaled up and 3D printed. Requirements...
  • 2019, A Year in Tools

  • Today I was talking with a friend about some difficulties we had with assembly with a particular part and I shared with him the tool I purchased to deal with the problem.  While going down my purchase history looking for the tool to share with my...