
89 Results for "kicad"

  • IO/65 Part #1

  • A few years ago, I created a small project to get a NCR 65C02 running on a breadboard. A Teensy 2.0 was responsible for generating the cpu clock signal, while I was using a Teensy 3.1 as a ROM programmer. Inspired by the RC2014 project, I wanted to build...
  • LED Ring

  • @Jens Hauke designed this charlieplexed 20 LED blinker controlled by an ATTiny45 for the Hackaday Coin Cell Challenge: LED Ring This is a small blinky with 20 LEDs powered by one CR2032 coin cell and with an ATTiny45 brain. The firmware is written in...
  • Dock for Onion Omega2

  • Valerio Backslashnew has designed a small dock for the Onion Omega 2 and 2+: My Omega 2/2+ dock\new I needed the smallest dock i could do, that featured:EthernetType A USB hostMicro USB for powerHere’s what i came up with, i called it dock\new....
  • Optimizing the 5v to 170v Nixie Tube Power Supply Design

  • From Mark Smith on the Surf ‘n Circuits blog: Optimizing the 5v to 170v Nixie Tube Power Supply Design A few years ago, while managing the power management product line at work, I started an initiative with the development team to optimize...
  • A review of Ocean Smile (formerly LocoPCB) PCB service

  • Update 2020-01-15: Got email from them saying they have merged with Ocean Smile (who thinks up of these names?) with a new site. As far as I can tell the pricing structure is unchanged and my old account works so my next 4 5-board orders are still $2....
  • PCB Assembly Desktop Factory project. Our team

  • We have many years of experience in developing electronic devices for various customers. When we complete a non-standard task, we often explore new methods and ways to achieve the required result. By accumulating this knowledge, we create solutions to...
  • A review of Elecrow's PCB service

  • Update 2019-11-03: There is a way to perhaps reduce the shipping cost. Elecrow has an official store and runs promotions on Aliexpress. The price shown next to the item is not the correct PCB fab price, you have to look in the description for the actual...
  • Costing assembly service for my PCB

  • Today I decided to dip my toes into getting a PCB design of mine assembled to avoid a lot of hand soldering. JLCPCB gives out monthly coupons to offset the setup charge so that reduces the total price. Here's what I found out, in no particular order:...
  • My experience using a PCB fab service (Pcbway)

  • Update 2019-11-03: There is a way to perhaps reduce the shipping cost. PCBWay has an official store and runs promotions on Aliexpress. The price shown next to the item is not the correct PCB fab price, you have to look in the description for...
  • Elecrow PCB Review (2020)

  • PCB design art is something I have been experimenting with. Recently, I used Elecrow PCB who offers yellow soldermask with black silkscreen without additional cost. Introduction There are many cheap prototype PCBs manufacturing services online. They...
  • A review of PCBgogo PCB service

  • I'm always game to give a PCB fabricator a go, especially if there is an offer on. I noticed PCBgogo from their link on the PCBShopper selection site and decided to give them a gogo, er I mean a go, for my 89C52 clock board project. The ordering page...
  • Aisler vs. OSHPark comparison

  • Update 23rd of October Aisler now offers free shipping! Please keep in mind that I was able to participate in some test runs and beta tests, some anecdotes are hidden in this write up. They're definitely safe to try out :)I've met @Felix Plitzko at the...
  • Dealing with a Massive Shitty Add-on Failure

  • I fucked up.  I fucked up 250 Shitty Add-on boards.   Those 250 boards and the 300 I ordered to replace them, replacement parts, and solder reworking station cost me more than half my overall Badge Life expenses this year.  To give...