
1504 Results for ""

  • Rails

  • I went for 2x3U. I screwed a piece of roofing battens into the case and the bottom rail directly onto them. The middle rails are just screwed together and are laid onto some standoff I laser cutted out of some scrap wood. The top rail...
  • Resource Monitor

  • Solder wires from UBBB to LCD. (Note that uBBB pins are ordered as if looking at the bottom, since it also serves as a generic 32-TQFP breakout board if you flip it upside down). Specific connections are described below:-Connect pins 1, 5, and 16 on...
  • Arduino Code

  • It's in the GITHUB! The code comes down the these smaller steps: MQTT handling and Button handling. Let's do button handling first. I made a simple button object with the pin number, button press boolean, and button count. struct Button { const uint8_t...
  • Software

  • Making the dog walk is quite the challenge, so here's my approach. I created a drawing showing "standing" leg positions in black and progressive changes in red. The approach is to: 1) lift the left front and right rear legs 2) move the left front and...
  • 1Charger

  • Calibration1.   #define CALIBRATION in software and recompile and flash ATtiny8612. For each range make two measurements in order to calculate the line v=k*ADC + m. With this simple approach I get about  10-20mV and 10-20mA accuracy ( compared...
  • Trinket LED Thermometer

  • Here's a functional program to initialize the hardware, read temps, and display temps as colors. Enhancements such as multiple sensors/LEDs per Trinket are possible but left as an exercise for the reader./* trinket_thermo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • Wiring Up the Octosonar

  • The connections on the Octosonar are clearly labelled. I'll try and run up a wiring diagram later, but for now the following list of connections should get you there. To connect to Arduino Octosonar PinUno Pin DefaultDescription5V5V5V supply for...