
1446 Results for "open source ecology"

  • Open Source

  • All the files including code, electronic circuits & schematics, CAD & design files are Open Source & are available on the Github Repository. LUMOS: Open Source Repository The software & electronics is regularly updated & modified.The initial design,...
  • What are M5Stick and M5Stamp?

  • M5Stack is a technology company that designs and manufactures anopen-source development toolkit, including hardware, programming platform, and IoT solutions. It was founded by Jimmy Lai in 2017 and isbased in Shenzhen, China. M5Stack created the M5Stick...
  • Complete Schematic and all Design Files

  • You can find a link to the complete schematic and STL files in the form of an OnShape model here. All other open source files can be found on our website:
  • Order components

  • Source all components in production files/BOM.xlsx. This list contains links to Dutch suppliers, but in many cases, Chinese suppliers will provide a cheaper alternative. As of early 2022 the mechaduino's seem to be sold out both on aliexpress and at...
  • Arcade Control Panel

  • These instructions will assume you are going to build the same panel I did.  First step is to order all of the arcade control parts and whichever arcade control to USB solution you would like to use.  In my case, I designed my own.  It...
  • 16bit RISC Processor

  • Open Xilinx and Create a new project. Then add source (Verilog) and paste ALU code.Make similar modules for each. Then create a module which connects all those modules which is datapath. If done correctly all remaining modules will mo.e under a hierarchy...
  • Programming Preparation

  • Before programming your macropad, you need to install the required dependencies to your Arduino IDE in order to program it. Follow the instruction on this open source project which add supports of CH55x series MCU to Arduino IDE.
  • Source the components

  • Full bill-of-materials are available here: BOM for version 0.9: for version 1.0:
  • Building the Waste Shredder

  • The shredder I'm using is a "Precious Plastic" open-source shredder. If you're not aware of the Precious Plastic movement, you should be! It's an open-source effort to develop low-cost, community-scale plastic recycling machines. It's deeply inspring...