
131 Results for "electric office chair"

  • Kick pad + pedal.

  • The original kit had a simple electric pedal. After few lessons I realized we will never find common language and i had to move on. First, I have bought an inexpensive kick pedal, and then tried to ding a way to attach a trigger to it. (final 3D...
  • Previously made Hotplate Project

  • This was the previous Hotplate project, which expanded the heating area by connecting the cloth iron's element to a copper plate. A mechanical mechanism called a thermostat was used to control the heating element of the original version of the hotplate....
  • Part 1 - The PCB

  • What’s up my friends, welcome back. This below is the PCB that I’ve designed for my project. I’ve tried to make it as small as I could so it could fit inside of a basic wall electric box. This project works at 220V so make sure you stay safe and...
  • Terra Spider

  • HARDWARE:XBee Wireless Components:-SparkFun XBee Shield XBee Shield (WRL-12847) -SparkFun XBee Explorer USB (WRL-11812)-XBee 1mW Wire Antenna - Series 1 (802.15.4) (WRL-08665) (2)Moving Parts:-Power HD High-Torque Servo 1501MG From -SparkFun...
  • Little Friend

  • You are going to need some parts for this. I 3d printed a body and included the files here. This will change in the future as the robot becomes more human friendly.Parts needed:Arduino UnoArduino Motor ShieldDC converter module--this $9.00 module provides...
  • CierzScience Tunnel

  • PREPARING THE FAN FOR ITS OPETATIONTo prepare the fan for its functioning we must realize a series of tasks:With the fan separated from the rest of the tunnel, we disassemble the set of helices and it we mount on the contrary of as it comes from factory.Mount...
  • 3D-Printed Electric Longboard

  • Step 7: Electronic ComponentsWe are now done with the mechanical set up of our longboard. Next, we need to wire up the VESC to the batteries and receiver. It is a very straight forward procedure. Before we start, make sure all connectors are compatible....
  • Summary

  • Assembly steps Printing and removing support material Fingers assembly Thumb assembly Inserting the motors on the palm Inserting the motor on the thumb Fingers and palm assembly Casting silicone in the molds Gluing the silicone “skin” in...
  • Choosing the Equipment

  • The Pump A quick web search will show several electric pump models designed for your water bottle of choice. Such pumps are usually controlled by an ON/OFF switch (for example, Hot Frost A12 or SMixx ХL-D2). Here’s the pump we chose for...
  • Program, Tune, and Test!

  • At this point, it's time to load the Arduino Sketch onto the device and try it out.   Please note, this only works for the Arduino Due!You'll need to download the "MIDIUSB" library from Arduino.
  • Construction of the zither

  • The important question now is how to best attach the strings to the wooden board. You can use simple bridges/nuts over which the strings can be stretched. However, we decided to go with hardtail bridges like you find on electric guitars. Since we have...
  • Gathering

  • The Positivity Pusher brings the most joy when it's built from scraps. Let's take a look at acquiring the parts needed. Pi Pico W - This is the most expensive part on the list at $6 new. It's also the most difficult to find used.  Big Online Retailers...