
853 Results for "raspberry"

  • Raspberry PiCam

  • For the technical development and construction of our Venenfinder, we follow the principle that appears most useful after our experiments and literature research: The skin is irradiated by an infrared light source, while a camera (Pi camera or webcam)...
  • Raspberry Spy

  • As British as Bond... From Wikipedia Blowing a raspberry, strawberry or making a Bronx cheer, is to make a noise that may signify derision, real or feigned. It may also be used in childhood phonemic play either solely by the child or by adults towards...
  • Raspberry Pi touch display

  • So I received an official 7" touch display for xmas. Even though it's $60, it brings my total cost over 200$ for the project. But I thought it would be an awesome addition to the project because you don't have to whip out your phone just to control everything....
  • Working with Raspberry Pi!!!

  • After some kernel hacking, I was able to get the board to work with my Raspberry Pi!I made some measurements using Room EQ Wizard with the board looping the outputs back to the inputs. REW only seemed to work in 16 bit mode, so the THD+N measurements...
  • Raspberry Pi Pinouts

  • The following are the proposed pinout allocations for the Raspberry Pi (Pi 3 or Pi Zero W) in the project. +--------------+---------+---------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+ | Description | Name | Mode | Physical | Mode | Name | Description...
  • Raspberry Pi 4B

  • I decided to use the newest Raspberry Pi model as of today; the RPi-4B. It can be powered via the USB-C port, and it uses a Micro-HDMI to output display.  You will also need an 8GB Micro SD Card (or 16 or 32; I chose a 16GB), and an SD Card Sleeve...
  • Better Raspberry Pi Support

  • After all the last minute soldering and testing just before the Hackaday best product semifinals deadline, I was ready for a bit of a break. Things got busy at home and at work, and I haven't done hardly anything on the SuperAudioBoard for 2 months!In...
  • Raspberry pi 4 busted

  • The goal was to plug the monitors into the existing 4B which is used for sound processing.  Things were going well with the raspberry pi 1B on a single monitor, but the 4B does not support 1366x768.  The problem is it's a very uncommon mode...
  • Raspberry Pi Connection

  • I connected the RasPi with an old floppy IDE cable (cut at one end). It has 8 more pins than the Raspberry Pi, so these are ignored (would be cable ids 27-34).Here is the mapping of RasPi pins to floppy cable ids (only the first 26 of 34 can have a connection):Mapping...
  • RAspberry Pi Setup

  • It appears that the read screen receives some command from the head unit over the CAN buss to turn on when a DVD is selected. There is also a second input in the rear of the car which can display on the rear screen as well. This may go via a the head...
  • Raspberry Pi educational boards

  • During the training at IESA Multimedia, student projects need boards to learn how to control inputs and outputs.I designed 5 boards:Rainbow boardJust a fancy board with 9 LEDs of different colorsUsed with #micro HTTP server in C by #hammer's smashing...
  • Raspberry Pi i2c Connection

  • Connecting to the rpi and Hyperpixel4 screen works! I modified the hyperpixel4.dtsfile in the hyperpixel4 github repo. Thanks to the Malti project for the sample tca8418 dts file. Here's the modified dts file. It requires the tca8418_keypad kernel...