
2409 Results for "%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D%E2%9E%9Coptime4%E3%80%82com%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80 %E2%9E%9C %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%E1%98%AD %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95%E1%98%AD %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%ED%9C%B4%EA%B2%8C%ED%85%94 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%ED%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9 %ED%83%80%EC%9E%84"

  • Algorithm bits

  • In this log I will discuss some algorithm ideas I have in mind for MARB. Some are easy, some require higher math. 1. Weather forecast MARB will not be connected to the internet. Call me old-fashioned, but it has nothing to do with AI to get for instance...
  • Terminal-BASIC programmable calculator

  • I think about Terminal-BASIC based programmable calculator, like MK-90 I am planning to use Arduino DUE, TFT screen schield and custom matrix keyboard of40-64 keys.Does anybody know, if this shield is compatible with arduino DUE?Actually, I'v just tried...
  • FAT32 File Format

  • When you search google for FAT file format you get tons of pages on formatting disks. It's harder to pull out the detailed format of the SD card. Wikipedia to the rescue (Design of the FAT file system). A less technical FAT32 Wikipedia page is File...
  • V9958 - Beyond Hello World

  • Development on the V9958 board continues apace, and after a false start due to a silly mistake in the first revision things are back on-track with a revision 1 prototype. The design is now validated and working really well. So far it's baby-steps in...
  • First video out

  • It seems I have reached the base camp. The el-cheapo 7-inch LCD monitor on the right is connected to the output port of my breadboard TTL computer. The computer is now running at 6.3MHz and runs a software loop that generates a VGA test signal. The colors...
  • Firmware hacking

  • Here is a rough schematic of the isolated bus circuitry. It looks like there is some shared "open collector" style bus on CH4 of the isolator, with D8 and (I assume) a pullup on the BMS controller board. But so far I've only ever measured this line being...
  • The Story So Far-- Explodophone 1.0 Part 2

  • Now for the other half. For maximum starting flexibility without taking the cost too high, I opted to go two octaves, using notes found on the white piano keys only, i.e., notes with only letter designations and no sharp or flat symbols. This means I...
  • Topology (1)

  • In this post I want to share how I selected a suitable topology for the resistor network that will be the core of the programmable decade resistor. Although I did some online “research”, the following criteria determined my choices: Switch...
  • Directory Stuff

  • I put a bunch of files on the SD card so the directory spans across multiple blocks. It might be fun to have a directory listing. The front of the first directory block has: 000 42 20 00 49 00 6E 00 66 00 6F 00 0F 00 72 72 00 B .I.n.f.o...rr. 010 6D...
  • rf24boot: A huge update

  • There hasn't been much going with rf24boot for a while, till I was playing with esp8266 and accidentally writing frankenstein firmware for it. Despite being cool and cheap, esp8266 still consumes way more than nrf24l01, so I'm back to rf24boot. This...
  • B1+B2 completed. Also, facing my first real problems.

  • Finally, B1 and B2 are completed and they.... kinda work... Although I'm going to have to check quite a few things.Remember how B0 performed flawlessly, both when connected via the expansion port, and when replacing CIA#2? Well, that's no longer true....