
219 Results for "toy"

  • Log 1

  • Full Project Log on the RPF My posts copied here. Okay, so I went a bit overboard on this one. (as always) Currently I want to make this for myself and release the design files once done. (If you want me to start a separate thread let me know) I took...
  • Architecture: Introduction and Stakeholders

  • Here are the first three chapters of my arc42-based architecture documentation. Next time we are doing the architecture constrains and maybe the system scope. It is necessary if I want to make it right, but if you are bored, please wait for 2–3...
  • Data analysis

  • Looks like the relay unit sets the brown wire (#2) to high for ~20ms then send a reset sequence and the height value in inches 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 [BITS FOR HEIGHT]Each bit is ~100us long (9,600 bps? My "logic analyzer" is...
  • Making a PCB for the mouse

  • Hello everyone! To begin prototyping my ideas out, will need the following materials: 1- an accelerometer breakout board (which I have already ordered from eBay), 2- a microcontroller (I will be using my brand-new Freescale-based "Teensy LC" for that,...
  • Development process

  • The project of Simon game was developed as an electronic set for ÚDiF alias Amazing Theatre of Physics. The aim was to create a simple toy to teach basic skills in electronics.The first version (summer 2015) was driven by ATtiny45 or ATtiny85 microcontroller,...
  • Dumpster Diving Bycatch

  • As one dives for wood in dumpsters, one comes across all the flotsam and jetsam of today's throwaway society. But for poor, no-budget me that's a very good thing! The stuff I keep finding is simply amazing. Weirdest thing of all is that I often find...
  • attempt3.2

  • usually the mechanics of  a toy capsule machine is operated by coinonly a round object can push up the "obstacle" that blocks the notchSolutionThis capsule machine is no longer control by coinsif the sensor sense someone toss a ball into the machine,...
  • GUI Programing Part 1

  • I decided that the best way to interact with the servo is to have a dedicated application. I did toy with the Idea of the user changing parameters in the Arduino sketch and re-uploading it to the servo. That's not a real polished product and will deter...
  • Postscript #1

  • For all of the vintage "toy" computers that I have made reproductions of one thing stands out,  they all had excellent manuals.  To that end I have created the TMD-1 Quick Start Guide, a small 10 page document that contains: A brief description...
  • Adding Sockets for External Connections

  • (Original post date: 06/03/16)Even though I ended up constructing a brand new front panel for the toy piano for this project, the rest of the enclosure of the vintage toy synth will be using the existing piano enclosure. Apart from the front...