
10544 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • 8 bit CPU desing progress

  • Great progress today, some instructions already working on Logisim (check it out the files on github).But...I figured out that for this design to work, there will be necessary two 3-state output drivers (sixteen gates) in the out of each register (and...
  • 4-bit TTL ALU

  • If you are interested in flipflops, building CPU's might also be of interest to you.... I started a new project, a 4 bit TTL ALU with only 7 TTL IC's.  It fits on a 1 x 1 inch PCB.....And the next project is a TTL CPU on one square inch...
  • 4-bit cpu schematics 1.2

  • I realized that the flip-flop chip 74LS173 is obsolete and no longer available.Replaced the obsolete 74LS173 with other TTL flip-flop 74LS175.Added jumper and switch for manual step clock operation,Added 5v voltage regulator and bypass capacitors.The...
  • Almost done (on circuit simulator)

  • 8 bit CPU with almost all instructions working fine, ALU implemented (2x 74181).Just 2 or 3 instructions more and it will be completed.Meanwhile the parts for the real CPU on breadboards are ordered, just waiting for delivery (rarely under 45 days in...
  • The Laughton Electronics One Bit Machine

  • The Laughton Electronics One Bit Machine The Laughton Electronics one bit machine is very likely the smallest discrete CPU that can be built ( I have designed a simplified...
  • Adding 16 bit ISA support

  • Today I will be adding 4 project logs, 3 of which are a bit overdue.For the first, sometime back in June of last year, I began to look into the simple ISA implementation used to interface the Cirrus Logic CL-GD5429 SVGA chip to the 68332. My intention...
  • TD4B CPU Schematic and Simulating a TTA CPU

  • TD4 CPU Version B  Here id the full schematic And the PCB: Simulating A TTA A TTA is a Transport Triggered Architecture (i.e. a single instruction move only CPU). An example is my Weird CPU. Why simulate TTA? It is a good test for a CPU, can it...
  • Robby compiler for Voja's 4-bit processor?

  • Since new Supercon badge was introduced I started thinking about possible porting of my Robby compiler (aka nedoPC SDK) to this 4-bit processor - it should be doable. Robby is a programming language that operates only 16-bit signed integers. I can write...
  • PCB's ordered

  • Two PCB's are designed now:The CPUA mainboard for the CPUThe video part is not designed yet. The mainboard has a 96 pin connector (same as CPU) where the video PCB can be placed once it is ready.Here comes the CPU impression from the PCB makers website:And...