
2798 Results for "3D printing"

  • Pannels 3d Prints to test for fit

  • Looks like the 3d Test panels fit: So after waiting about 2 weeks to get the panels, they came and we have basically a working case!  I won't bore you with the back panel hack job I did getting the switch and the video port mounted, it's basically...
  • 3D Printed Case

  • Design Considerations: The starting point of this project was the case, I wanted something that a bottle of FormLabs resin could sit on (about 100mm diameter), or be dropped into when not in use to act as both storage and measurement system. It had...
  • Enclosure Printed in SLA 3D Printer

  • In my earlier project log, I shared the latest design for the Solar Bottle Lamp. Initially, I thought to print the design with my own 3D printer, but later I realized that I will never get a realistic commercial-grade product look if I print the parts...
  • December 29th

  • We went back to school during holidays to print our boxes. After carefully rechecking the dimensions, and changing the thickness of the boxes, we launched 3D printing. We had smaller and larger boxes. Printing a small box took at least 4 hours (because...
  • R.O.B. Recapitated

  • 3D Printing is very much a craft that I have yet to master. Here's my first shot at printing the head model (3 pieces) and wet-sanding it lightly with 320 grit. Oddly enough, the new version actually fits cleanly onto the old neck from the model I've...
  • First log: 3D printing and poorly fitting parts

  • Alright, so first log: woha... documenting stuff... feels weird.What have I done so far:I have some NEMA17 Steppers and controllers that I picked up last time I went nuts on adafruit.I have some linear ball bearings and some suitable rodsI have some...
  • 3D Printer Bed Levelling and First Layer Adhesion

  • The plate of the keyboard is printed flat on the print bed. And because of its size, I have to position it diagonally within my 300×300 mm print area. While I never had problems with bed levelling when printing smaller parts, this one turned...
  • Press

  • - the very first article: - and another:
  • On The Road, 3D Printing and Inflated LiPos

  • It's been a while since the last update, and much has happened. Good and bad.To summarize the good, the motor control works well. There are still a couple of known bugs but on the bike test platform it's proven to be quite reliable, I was riding it to...