
333 Results for "3D printing"

  • Enclosure

  • The enclosure was developed in Visio (I know, old school 2D CAD!) and output as SVG file. First came the mockup:This mockup does not indicate any wall thickness, just the inside bottom area. I chose everything planar with a 15mm inside height, just...
  • Remote controlled Camera system

  • The lion kingdom designed a 13:1 gearbox for camera panning, only to encounter exponentially growing complexity when it came to structures to support the gears, enclosing it, making it as compact as possible, & making it printable. It ended up being...
  • Part and Design Choices: Frame

  • Part and Design Choices Frame Threaded Inserts Using threaded inserts was new to me. I was introduced to the idea in one of CNC Kitchen’s videos where he tested various styles of threaded inserts. Check out his video to learn how useful threaded inserts...
  • Week 6

  • uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) { WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos; if (WheelPos < 85) { return sspixel.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3); } if (WheelPos < 170) { WheelPos -= 85; return sspixel.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3); } WheelPos -=...
  • 16mm EVA #2

  • The 16mm soles proved a decent compromise between speed & durability over 6 months.  Right paw compression was down to 6mm while the 12mm sandals compressed to maybe 1-2mm so the compression in both cases was 10-11mm.Left paw compression of the...
  • Background to the Project

  • Background Why Build a 3D printer? I am a student Being an engineering student gives me a good excuse to waste months building stuff that I could easily buy online. I fully admit that buying a Prusa mk3 would have been a far better option than building...
  • Drilling Down

  • The handles came and I'm finally done!  For now it is just resting on the baes of the drill, I will probably attach it more permanently just to make things more safe, but otherwise I have nothing left to do. Someone suggested removing all but...
  • Navigation Chassis v0.1

  • After tons of design work and hours of printing, the prototype for the navigation chassis is done! This is by no means meant to be a final version, but rather will serve as a prototyping platform to start work on the electronics and software for the...
  • Trust in Cyanoacrylate

  • Note to self: design-for-manufacture is NOT the same as design-for-assembly. Especially when DFM translates into "who cares, we're 3D printing it anyway, I'll just watch wall thickness and drain holes and be good to go". Mocking up the X4 frame proved...
  • A Little Display Progress

  • After a months long hiatus to take care of more pressing matters, I finally have some time to spend on lower priority projects. Adafruit's Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale made the Pimaroni display I had been looking at a bit more affordable, so I picked...
  • Assembly Notes

  • The supplied gerber zip file is submittable to JLCPCB/OSHPARK or other PCB fabhouse. It is important that the AC series capacitors are at least class X1 to prevent blown fuses or fire. Take care when testing this circuit, the outputs float and may have...
  • Making the body

  • Printing Each of the 4 pieces took about 22 hours to print. I'd say the longest prints I have done up to date. Material is black PLA+, printed with a layer height of 0.2mm and 0.4mm nozzle. First test fit of power train components.Everything seems ok,...