
333 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3D Body

  • I would like to make it in metal by soldering square tubes with MIG (i have to learn how to use the MIG first)

  • One of the best ways to teach electronics and programming is with hands-on learning. Get the concepts off the computer screen and out into the real world. Students of all ages have been learning with robots for decades. Many older Hackaday readers will...
  • [T] Tubes, Fabrication and Milling

  • Results after computing some SecSavr concerns: Spend the £17 extra to change 2x27mm cylindrical tubes into 1x40mm box tube that is 1m long I can get them cut to size, but unlike tubes, they are bought in fixed sizes. If I want a length more than...
  • Motorized camera mount

  • After being stalled by the automated tracking for over 8 years, the decision was finally made to make a remote control for panning the camera manually.  3D printing finally enabled the custom bearings.  The remote control has 8 functions. ...
  • Honey, I shrunk the Watchduino

  • Last weekend we attended a hardware hackathon organised by PCH in London. The theme of the hackathon was “Take your prototype to the next stage in 54 hours”, so in our case we brought our Watchduino prototype and focused on trying to make...
  • Building the X-axis

  • Re-designing the X-axis of my Makibox to PCB mill conversion has been a challenge in constraints. Due to an ordering mishap, and lack of engineering designs for the spindle I have been racking my brain to re-use the parts I have to create a workable...
  • Design History from Conception to Now

  • My initial design concept included 2 different designs.  A manually actuated version using some form of push-push mechanism similar to a click pen, and an electromechanically actuated version that could be computer controlled.I created a few prototypes...
  • Full Robot Build

  • Design The single-leg design hasn't changed much. I cut off a bit more weight and removed the homing block. This homing block will now be a separate part incorporated into the actual robot design rather than on each leg itself.  The approach that...
  • Laser Calorimeter

  • It would be nice to be able to work out the lasers peak power, and to check out how linear the power response is as we lower or raise the input power.  The tool we use to do that is a laser calorimeter.  This is a device that measures the temperature...
  • LED test fails, but prototype exposures improve

  • I finally got a chance to run some etch tests with the new unit, and sadly it failed.  Exposure time went from about four minutes up to 8+ minutes, and the results were almost unusable. As predicted in the project discussions, there was a lot of...
  • [R] AR/VR/MR Curiosity

  • Whilst impatiently waiting for the optical gear to arrive from AliExpress, I did a bit of looking around on the internet for things related to Mixed Reality. It's not strictly TyMist related, but with all the different systems I'd need to design...
  • Physical Build

  • This bit done most recently, so I'll document it first.So here is the all-important interior. From this view, the left of the hat is the front.To point out all the bits and pieces, from left to right - The cardboard box the RC battery came in! Strengthened...