
3563 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98 OIO-5793-7458%E3%80%8B the33%EA%B0%80%EB%9D%BC%EC%98%A4%EC%BC%80%D1%86 %E3%80%8A%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98 OIO-5793-7458%E3%80%8B %E3%83%8Bjim%E3%85%99the33%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%C4%B8fire the33%EA%B0%80%EB%9D%BC%EC%98%A4%EC%BC%80%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89the33 the33%EB%9E%80%EC%A0%9C%EB%A6%AC%EB%A3%B8%E3%82%A1%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8the33%E3%8E%8Fpointed%E3%83%A9"

  • But I hate math...

  • As for the equation that will be used to determine whether a neurotransmitter triggers one of the intervals in a neuron, it will be as follows:where the numerator represents the sum of the specific neurotransmitter (t) from the neurons that are active...
  • Debugging

  • Debugging Need to get this project working. One problem is that the Nano does not have enough pins. So I have used a Meduino (a Mega2560 Pro Mini). Here is the schematic: Here is the PCB: The ports (P1 & P2) match the TTA8 bus. A problem with the Meduino...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • Improvement of the EC sensor

  • It is better to read the EC sensor log before reading this one. I wanted to test the stability and accuracy of the EC sensor! So I replaced the EC probe with a fixed resistor (to mimic the resistance of a solution).   The EC probe was replaced...
  • Hydroponics Nutrient feeder unit

  • I have been growing leafy greens using Hydroponics for the last 3 years. I was tiered checking out for the nutrient levels and pH level of the nutrient water solution, so I decided to make a nutrient feeding unit to maintain the optimal nutrient level...
  • What shall we wrap it all up in?

  • Any enclosure needs to be easy to access yet provide enough space to get all of our cables in and out without being too big. A tough challenge!---------- more ----------Once our technology solution is chosen, we have to mount it, cable it, make it all...
  • How ESP-NOW really works ?

  • To implement the ESP-NOW Protocol, we first need to understand how it works in details. The datasheet doesn't say much on the really low level, especially on the acknowledgment behavior. To understand what ESP-NOW does, I use Wireshark with my PC Wifi...
  • Remapping the Keyboard

  • Remapping the KeyboardGiven most of the work is done with the "basic shift logic" how hard could it be?The basic shift logic:Well much harder than expected, here is the schematic:Now many will recognise this as a PLA (Programmable Logic Array).Designing...