
293 Results for "%s"

  • Fetch V2 - Massive Hardware Upgrade

  • We've upgraded the Fetch hardware drastically! We are super excited to finally share what has been going on behind the scenes on this project since before COVID hit and slowed down our progress. First, have a look at our latest project update video,...
  • raspi iot

  • Project website documentation : If you would like to get support, give feedback or discuss new ideas related to this project ? It's possible to discuss on the discourse forum ...
  • Tiny Motion Detection Alarm

  • intro Hi, in this project we are going to make a motion detection alarm with IMU 6050, it is a 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor module. By using this, if small movement is detected by the IMU , it will trigger a sound in the buzzer . Basically it...
  • Some 3D

  • I try to do some 3D wireframe graphics with Terminal-BASIC matrix operations:The source is in the Terminal-BASIC team repository:10 REM 3D rotations using matrix operations 20 REM FILL TABLES OF SIN AND COS 30 DIM SC(1,255) 40 LET D = 2.*PI()/256. 50...
  • The Black Beast Feature List

  • The Black Beast Feature List from A .. Z  0..9 ====================================== 433 MHz Analyzer/Sniffer -> Top Case / Module B (WiP)which can detect and decode existing 433 MHz signals (e.g. decode a Weather Station)which can transmit...
  • CP Dice Bag For The Visually Impaired

  • My kids play games with a friend who is visually impaired. The thought went up, can the CP speak? According to Adadfuit's example code the answer is yes...but it is a finicky beast to hear. I put the code in from their example code and worked it into...