
810 Results for ""

  • The Ear of the Global Seer?

  • I think many would have guessed correctly that is a project log entry on the construction of an ADSB antenna. The digital tv tuner (shown below) a.k.a the ADSB receiver in the component list comes with a dinky little wire antenna with a MCX jack (more...
  • V2/STM32F070 Support

  • Having successfully gotten a mostly functional firmware on the V1/STM32F103 MCU Mini, I moved on to supporting the STM32F070 processor. That's the one that drives the Monoprice Mini Delta, the later run Malyan M200V2, the Malyan M300/Monoprice Mini...
  • Parallax Hack Chat

  • Designing a Microcontroller with Eight 32-bit Cores: Propeller IIChip Gracey is legend in the microcontroller world. Chip started Parallax right out of high school, and has been working for decades to create hardware that’s fun, powerful, well documented,...
  • Tiny Cuicui

  • The story of the Tiny Cuicui... A few events brought the tiny cuicui to life, here's what happened...  I started following Mohit Bhoite on Instagram a couple months ago and thought: "That just looks amazing! I'd love to give it a go!"...
  • Physics Model

  • To predict how our robot may perform in the real environment, a physics model would be useful to understand the forces at play. The calculated results serve as data points that can be verified experimentally to see how they differ in the real world....
  • Vacuum metal casting

  • I thought vacuum metal casting would require a giant rig the size of my car, or that jewelry casting machine that can only do tiny parts like rings. Turns out it's both cheap and easy to build one for your application! DavidF from AlloyAvenue forums...
  • Schematic and Operation

  • The schematics are done!  I kind of want to do a video going over the design process as this has evolved over what's now several years, there have been a ton of changes to everything.  For now I'll throw some (slightly) better explanations...
  • Data Visualization

  • As the navigational algorithms used by the robot have gotten more complex, I've noticed several occasions where I don't understand the logical paths the robot is taking. Since the design is only going to get more complex from here on out, I decided to...
  • ELterm

  • View video about this project on YouTube: I highly suggest watching the video. The following is the transcript of the video: Hello everyone, it has been a while. This video I would like to share one of the projects I finished recently, ELterm. Which...
  • Tinymovr July-August Update

  • We've rewritten portions of the slcan firmware used in the CANine adapter to use pure USB comms via libusb. The new firmware ditches the Virtual-Com-Port (VCP) cruft that is the source of many issues, not the least of which is abysmal CAN communication...