
1986 Results for "soil+sensor"


  • // Libraries #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Adafruit_AHRS_Mahony.h" #include //MOTOR // Pins for all inputs, keep in mind the PWM defines must be on PWM pins #define STBY D7 #define AIN1 D8 #define AIN2 D9 #define PWMA...
  • User Interfaces

  • The user interface is an often overlooked but highly important aspect of a home automation system. A lot of experimentation and effort has gone into the user interface for the system I'm describing here as it evolved over the years. Initially implemented...
  • UAV Hack Chat Transcript

  •  Sophi Kravitz @Piotr Esden-Tempski welcome! Piotr Esden-Tempski I asked Felix Ruess (the Paparazzi project maintainer) to join us but unfortunately he is not available this week. Same thing with Gareth McMullin from Blackshpere Technologies aka...
  • Kinetic Sculpture

  • Overview Internally, the sculpture is organized into modules of four motors. Every module has a circuit board with the motor drivers, power regulators, comms interfaces, and two microcontrollers. Each microcontroller is responsible for the position...
  • Twitch Drone

  • (Sorry, Automatic Google Translation)Raspberry PI + Arduino = TwichDroneIntroduction English readers note: This blog entry in English, but I provide a " README_ENGLISH.txt " with the installation procedure in english. Also see the section " For the Impatient...
  • Transcript

  • Boian Mitov 3:01 PM Hello @Lindy Thank you for organizing this :-) In the meantime, you can all put your questions here > and @Boian Mitov could give us an introduction? Stephen Tranovich 3:02...