
123 Results for "Tricorder"

  • 3RD PLACE! (And stuff!)

  • Hi everyone! I got 3rd place! I'm the 3rd best hacker in the world! Thanks everyone for your support! Congratulations to the other finalists, in particular SatNOGS! I have an unused, wooden garage that would be perfect for housing one of their antennas...
  • Update for March 9, 2017

  • I finally got back to this project and made some progress today on several fronts.First on the anomalous I2C address of the CCS811, which occasionally shows 0x5B even though I connected the ADO pad to GND in the design. I discovered that since this pad...
  • Back to coding

  • I've been doing more tinkering with this. So, when the project paused a few years ago, I'd disassembled the old v5 Tricorder to begin building the first v6. That's where I stalled out. So for now I've reassembled the v5 with a couple different parts,...
  • Spectrometer available at Tindie...

  • 09/12/2018 I was able to put together six spectrometers for sale at Tindie before I ran out of AS72653 ICs, which have been hard to come by.  Arrow Electronics finally got some supply today and I ordered 100 of each of the AS7265X (X = 1, 2, 3)...
  • emuDeck01

  • OUTLINE: Raspberry Pi 4 or Zero (prob. 4) will connect to screen and battery. 2ndary board will be a USB device for the mother, it'll host controls and additional functions. I know that's silly, the Pi has enough IO to host all the bits and bobs but...
  • Sensor Board Mega-Update!

  • A big update with lots of pictures -- I've been building and testing many of the first revision sensor boards.Watching the PWM of your soldering station's power supply!One of the things I remember most from building the Open Source Science Tricorder...
  • Components and Communication bus

  • ComponentsDuring last week, we've been thinking about the device size and ways to split it into smaller expandable chunks. We finally decided on the following:Controller boardSignal distribution boardPower supply boardSensor modulesCaseThe extra components...
  • Lab on a chip design

  • As mentioned already under "Project details" I am planning to add a Lab-on-a-chip system as a peripheral device for the medical tricorder. It is basically a photometer/color sensor mounted beneath a translucent micro reaction chamber with two inlets...
  • Compact, $25 spectrometer

  • AMS makes several interesting sensors including the CCS811 air quality sensor which I use in my STM32 Sensor Tile project and the AS7262 6-channel light sensor, which appears now in a breakout board that Adafruit has just announced. The AS7262 offers...
  • Houston, we have Tribbles

  • Oh boy ... I kinda didn't keep this thing updated, did I?Is it OK if I just say I was busy? >.> Truth be told, I was just having too much fun and was moving quite fast with this lovely piece of hardware, so keeping it up on Hackaday kinda fell out...
  • Sensors List

  • Categories:Atmospheric (Temperature/Humidity/Pressure)Bosch recently released the BME280 sensor, following their line of popular barometric pressure sensors like the BMP085. The BME appears to integrate temperature, humidity, and pressure into a single...