
1297 Results for "nodemcu"

  • Establishing Connection

  • The official documentation is located in the NodeMCU ReadTheDocs. The simplicity of the library reflects how elegantly simple MQTT itself is. All we need to do is create an MQTT Client object, connect, and then publish as needed. Creating the MQTT Client...
  • Simple, Scrolling, RTC Clock

  • Simple, Scrolling, RTC clock The other night I was puttering around, looking in my box of goodies to see what I brought to play with. I usually grab a few items and then see what inspires me along the way. Tonight it is two 8x8 led matrices, i2c, ok...
  • Breadboard #1

  • This post is dedicated to the first prototype, which I used reliably for about 1 year. In this version of the garage there was no connection to home assistant or the local network. An advantage of this version is that it works independent from network...

  • GERBER PCB: project is a sequence of SHIELDS for ARDUINO UNO that will help us a lot in our tests. A shield is simply a printed circuit board that is placed on the ARDUINO...
  • Esp8266 Shield using SMT assembly

  • ESP8266 is very powerful and most preferred microcontroller in IoT. This is used worldwide not only because of the wi-fi compatibilities but also due to open-source network. This comes with 32bit microcontroller running at 80Mhz. But it can be overclocked...
  • Internet enabled smoke alarm

  • Well, I have not did very good about keeping a project log. Here is the (hopefully) final project.Figure 1: The internet enabled smoke alarm on the benchtopFigure 2: The internet enabled smoke alarm installed on the ceiling.Figure 3: Inside of the Hammond...
  • How I Created The Mr. Robot Badge

  • This is it. It's over. It's done. I'm writing this on August 1st, right after getting home from Def Con. All badges were deployed, I'm not getting sued by the creators of Mr. Robot, and everyone loved my work. I'm going to use this project log entry...

  • Arduino LED 8X8 DOT Matrix Display with MAX7219 The Dot Matrix display is so useful that every enthusiast once came across it. It is a two dimensional patterned LED array that is used to represent character, symbol and images. Almost every outdoor LED...