
8872 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • Prototype pictures

  • Prototype pictures!For all devices I make I start with a prototype on these kind of prototype PCB's. Single sided, with separate islands. Some people use stripboard but I prefer this because you don't have to break tracks and are not limited to one direction.You...
  • Step it down a notch

  • The power dissipated in a linear regulator is equal to the current multiplied by the voltage drop (P=I*ΔV) In my case the output voltage from the ethernet shield is 12V, and the arduino needs 5V, which gives a ΔV=12V-5V=7VThe current draw of...
  • Looking for a sensor assemble solution

  • The current sensor board is build in the following way: TSL235R light to frequency converter, RGB and IR leds are sunk in hotglue. I know it's not the good way (it's extremely uncomfortable as you can imagine)... But I needed a quick solution because...
  • Build Log 3- More circuit testing

  • I assembled the charging and battery monitoring circuit and tested my circuit (minus the XBee radio, which I don't have yet) and checked out the low voltage warning as well as current draw. The Sparkfun Uh-Oh battery monitor is super simple to use -...
  • Simple Edison Breakout Board

  • Simple UART level converter.As I'm sure you are aware, the Edison is 1.8v gpio only so you either need to get a 1.8v TTL USB Cable or you can use a 3.3v or 5v Arduino style TTL USB cable, but it will need a shift level to achieve this.So a simple design...
  • Updates

  • Over the Xmas week I assembled a couple of these boards - and had a number of problems. The biggest problem was trying to solder the Silicon Labs Si3402 802.3af PD and integrated switcher. This is a cool chip as it combines the dual rectifier bridges,...
  • The end is nigh!

  • Hey there,this is the last day of the contest and the last hours of work for me on this project. Take a look at the demo video of what I could accomplish in a month:The current features are:Function generator (sine,square,tri,saw) with +/- 1 octave fine...
  • Trinket and screen test

  • I'll use it in SPI mode, so I have to solder closed IM1 IM2 and IM3 bridges (not IM0)Screen pinoutTrinket pinoutGNDGVin5V3VoN.C.CLK13MISO12MOSI11CS10D/C9RSTRSTLiteN.C.GNDN.C.IRQN.C.SDAA4SCLA5IM3N.C.IM2N.C.IM1N.C.IM0N.C.CSS4CDN.C.It works :)
  • Wordy

  • Solder it together. Make a decision about the battery.Put the accelerometer component side toward the MicroView with the pinholes toward the power side. (Realistically any orientation works, this one made the most sense to me.)The dotted lines indicate...
  • wiring

  • This is the pinout of the ws2812b LEDs:quite nicly here is that at a 45° angle the power supply can be from both sides, while data goes "trough" it. Which led me to the following design:This This is the view from the backside. on each LED we have...
  • first fully functional version

  • At the beginning of the week I built the first fully functional prototype.Top-ViewBottom-Viewwith the StepUp hooked upThe program was adapted from me so that can be selected via the solder bridges different Expires.(eg is constant pulsing or strobe effect)this...