
Mauricio Martins

Maker of Things, Tinkerer, and Open Source advocate. Works mainly as Collaborative Project Developer focused on DIY & Digital Fabrication

Lisbon, Portugal
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This user joined on 02/25/2014.

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MILL - Makers In Little Lisbon

Things I've Built

Nuclear Taco Sensor Helmet Gameshow

Nuclear Taco Sen­sor Hel­met Gameshow is the name of our pro­ject entry for the 48h hack pro­ject of Sapo Code­bits 2011. The aim of the com­pe­ti­tion was to deve­lop a pro­ject during 48 hours and pre­sent it in 90 seconds to a live audi­ence.

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Mauricio Martins wrote 02/25/2014 at 18:17 point
I'm glad and proud to make part it! Let's start making things!

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