The focus on this project is simple and user friendly. 3D design is as important as functionality.
The size of this device is 6.1cm X 6.5cm X 4.4cm. The design of button pin with an Owl is used on this project because users can grab it easily. its design allows users to wear it in different ways.
This device performs obstacle detection with both audio and haptic feedbacks in variable detection range with rotating Sensors in the Owl’s eyes in 90 degrees
The components are Arduino/Attiny84, Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, a Piezo buzzer, a vibrational motor, a DC motor, and batteries (GP 476A 6V). However, the size of Arduino is too big for this device. So I’ve used Attiny84 instead because of its smaller size to fit the device. Size of components need to be small enough to fit the device. Choices of batteries are still being investigated.
I dig the owl design!