
Deep Foundation Laser Scanner

This project try get the dimensions about a deep foundation without a danger to the responsible for the excavation survey.

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Can you imagine how is come down on a deep earth hole and inspect how much are correct the excavation?
It is not a particular question about the claustrophobics only. Anybody that need to go into this hole will feel the sensation that are on your own funeral.
The sun was go out, you have an artificial light, and the minimum oxygen that is possible, the life is over your head.
Using this context, I am trying solving this problem. The mainly idea is use a robot to do the hard work. The principle is simple: Aim an infrared laser to all sides and get the measure.
To do this, I am planning to use a sensor Sharp, stepper motors, sd Card and Arduino.

Note: I will consider that you don't have a minimum knowledge about civil engineering and construction.

When you build anything based on the soil, you need to consider the soil support.

The building will transfer all the forces to the ground.

Therefore, the stability of the building is proportional to the soil resistence.

When you have a weak soil, your building can go down or present structural problems.

To solve this, we use various features to stabilize the building. One of the most used solutions is the caisson foundation. Basically, we go down on the excavation up to we found a strong soil to support the weight of the building.

During the excavation, we can have a lot of deviations that can be dangerous to the building and the people around.

My project is make a robot to get this dimensions and variations with more accurace to garantee the best quality for the building, provide parameters to get decisions and documentation as-built for BIM softwares.


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  • 1 × Sharp Sensor IR sensor GP2Y0A21YK0F
  • 1 × Arduino Arduino UNO R3
  • 1 × Stepper motor 28BYJ-48 - 5V
  • 1 × MicroSD card interface

  • The fail

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca10/30/2018 at 02:30 1 comment

    Yes! That's a good pic. But i have some problems on the voltage to the robot.

    I used 12v but I make a mistake on the wiring. So, I didn't make the test.

    In the next week I will try make a new test.

  • The assembly

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca10/15/2018 at 02:40 0 comments


    A few days ago I started the assembly and now I'm close to get this project done and use it in a real situation

  • Turning real

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca09/26/2018 at 11:43 0 comments


    This update is about the fabrication of the robot's parts.

    So, that's all.

  • New design

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca09/10/2018 at 02:17 0 comments

    Today I finished the new design of the prototype.

    I revised the design to simplify the fabrication. The fabrication is scheduled to this week.

  • The VL53L0X test

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca08/28/2018 at 02:37 0 comments

    That's a lesson learned about the first sensor(sharp). I need to test the application of the sensor and verify if it works.

    To do this, I built a paper box with known dimensions and placed the sensor on the center of the box.

    That's not beautiful but runs well.

    I built a mirror support and rotated the mirror around the axis sensor. And now it's fine. 360° covered by the sensor.

  • Updates

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca08/26/2018 at 17:41 0 comments


    In the last 2 months, I did some updates in the project. But, I'm little busy with the work and graduation so, I using the leftover time to sleep and work on this project.

    Therefore, I will try update this page in the next days.

    About the VL53L0X:

    That's a cool TOF sensor and it runs like I imagined.

  • Mishaps

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca06/01/2018 at 16:53 0 comments

    For two weeks I have been waiting for delivery of the new sensor.

    But, in brazil, we have a big strike of the truck drivers at now. And any delivery need more time that foreseen.

    So, I can't done my project on the time that I have planned.

    I don't have any progress to show now(sorry) but, this it's a part of the project R&D.

  • The good, the bad and the (probably) good news.

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca05/18/2018 at 03:13 0 comments

    I don't know exactly how it's works... 

    When I did the first test with the Sharp sensor on a mirror, I don't know, or I can't remenber if I did all the tests that could be possible. Or if I did one test and it worked well and I jumped the other tests.  But now, I bought a lot of mirrors and neither of then works well.

    I bought a dieletric mirros and normal mirrors.

    The cause:

    The Sharp sensor works by a triangulation of the emitter and a scale on the reciever. When I use a rotating mirror, these results can't be registered on the scale.

    The solution:

    I will change the Sharp sensor to the gy-530-vl53l0x

    I will purchase this sensor and make a lot of tests.

  • First complete mesh ( simulating Z axis)

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca05/04/2018 at 23:49 0 comments

    Today I'm simulating the operation ( I keep on my mind ideas to solving the Z and pendulum problem).

    I'm considering an turn for a 50cm in -Z axis.

    ... And, I get the points! \o/

    ... And created the mesh

    With this results, I finished the first tests and solve the main concern.

  • GPS coordinates on the scanner and BIM application

    Laio Athos Nevar Fonseca05/03/2018 at 23:20 0 comments

    When I begined to imagine the application for the scanner (in the commercial point of view), I have the idea to provide an as-built about the excavation to a BIM software. It's looking good, because this show an professional application to the project. Is a simple process:

    Before a start of the scan, the GPS sensor will get the coordinates and archieve this information to input on BIM. Therefore, making the scan unique.

    In the next week, I will receive more sensors to make a test of this idea.

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