
Project De Motu Imperium

This project aims to create a power generation system that uses motion to generate electricity.

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This project utilizes the abundance of movement of a typical person every day and converts that movement into electricity. This is accumplished by placing generators at key pivot points such as the knee and elbow.

Below you can find a more in depth description of how this project works (this is still being updated)

This project is at it's simplist a generator however the way that this generator is desgined to mount and the source that is used to generate the electricity is different than conventional generators.

This generator uses the motion of a person as they go about their normal day to generate electricity and stores that electricity in a capacitor for later use. The design uses a racheting system so that power is only generated when moving one way, because of this desing choice no AC to DC rectifier circuit is required simplyfying the design and negating conversion losses.


Image of test circuit

JPEG Image - 3.50 MB - 06/16/2018 at 17:48



Another image of test circuit

JPEG Image - 3.32 MB - 06/16/2018 at 17:48



Remade schematic so for test circuit

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 28.09 kB - 06/14/2018 at 16:43


  • 1 × Arduino UNO Rev 3 Microcontroller for monitoring power output
  • 2 × DC Motor For test circuit
  • 1 × Output Capacitor Capacitor for system to charge this can be any value so long as charge is controlled.
  • 1 × 1N4002 Diode Power Diode to prevent current through the generator
  • 1 × Rachet Anything that has an attachment point for generator

  • Project On Pause

    Garnet Koebel10/31/2018 at 13:09 0 comments

    This project is being shelved until my other project is at a stage I am happy with.

  • Even More Prototyping

    Garnet Koebel06/16/2018 at 18:16 0 comments

    Uploaded some images of the test circuit I built. The rachet system is being redesigned and in later versions the generator will be able to generate power while moving in both directions. This design change involves swapping the ratchet system for a rack and pinion system that will rotate the generator clockwise even no matter which way the rack and pinion is moving.

  • More Prototyping

    Garnet Koebel06/14/2018 at 16:22 0 comments

    I have tweaked the design a bit and settled on a relitively simple circuit for testing. My test circuit uses two DC motors one for generating power and one for creating motion to test the peak voltage output of the first motor. The test circuit spins a motor which has it's shaft tied to the second motors shaft the second motor outputs approx 2V which is used to charge a capacitor. When the motor stops spinning the capacitor holds its charge (excluding natural discharge) until a switch is pressed allowing the capacitor to discharge through the load.

  • Prototyping Stage

    Garnet Koebel06/13/2018 at 15:22 0 comments

    The past two days I have been gathering parts and starting to build the prototype generator (designs coming soon). For the racthet mechanism is a freewheel out of an old bike that I dismantled and the prototype generator is an old DC motor.

  • Research Stage

    Garnet Koebel06/12/2018 at 22:48 0 comments

    In the past couple weeks leading up to this submission I have conducted research in order to figure out how to create my idea. I have settled on a ratcheting design that operates similar to the free wheel on a bicycles rear wheel. The prototype will be designed to mount to a users arm and will output DC to a capacitor.

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Gather Materials

    Before beginning this project it is important to check that all components have are present. Be sure to check for the most recent parts list and gather them together.

  • 2
    Build Generator Circuit
    Assemble the generator circuit according to the most recent schematic.
  • 3
    Build Rachet System

    Still working on specific instructions.

View all 3 instructions

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