This is an ambitious project in 3 phases:
- Phase 1 - Create an Arduino library to control the MAX – this involves reverse engineering the Meccano protocol to communicate with the MAX smart components eg, locomotion, servos, facial expressions, etc.
- Phase 2 - Use HiCAT Livera to convert MAX into a Computer Vision-based robot – HiCAT Livera is an inexpensive machine vision platform for robotics. It consists of a camera, an embedded Linux platform with WIFI and a Arduino Leonardo compatible microcontroller in a small package. It is the latter that allows the use of the Arduino library developed in Phase 1 to perform low level control of the MAX.
- Phase 3 - Control MAX from the Cloud – instead of controlling MAX using the HiCAT Livera embedded Linux, the video will be streamed to a container running machine vision/deep learning framework in the cloud.
Great work with many complexities. Is the #include <SerialCommand.h> for the liveria that you used available? I would like to try to port to an ESP32 it it is possible.