
BenchyBot 3D Printer

A Benchy Printer for Printing Benchys

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BenchyBot is an i3 based custom 3D printer, specifically designed to look like a benchy. Naturally, it prints Benchys. It debuted at East Coast RepRap Fest 2019 and became a fan favorite, despite the X and Z axes falling off the night before (whoops). Our hope is that we can have it at many more events after fixing the structural issues and dialing in print settings.

The build area is 160x160mm, the height is however brave you feel like (I haven't measured, it's only supposed to print benchys anyway right?) The printer frame is made of 20x20mm aluminum extrusion, bright orange PLA prints (some more structural than others), and runs linear rails on all axes. It features an E3D nozzle, heated build plate, and (soon) a part cooling fan and BL-Touch leveling probe. I designed the frame and decorative parts in Inventor, and printed most structural parts on a gCreate gMax 1.5+. I also had a ton of help from a friend and his two Prusas, which created much of the hull pieces.

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Tom Nardi wrote 12/12/2019 at 03:12 point

Saw this at ERRF19, very awesome project. Glad to see it here on IO.

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Dan Maloney wrote 11/08/2019 at 16:23 point

I literally just learned about the Xzibit meme, and here I see it in the wild. Nicely played.

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