Working Description:
This Arduino motor driver board can work on both 12V or 5V power supplies. It has 2 L293D Motor driver ICs, 1 Shift register IC, and an ATMEGA328P MCU. Following are the major components with their explanation:
- L293D Motor Driver
It is a motor driver IC used to drive the motors in multiple directions efficiently. It has 16 pins that can control 2 DC motors simultaneously. It can control both small and big motors. The working principle of L293D IC is based on H-bridge. H-bridge allows the voltages to flow in either direction. The voltage needs to change its direction for being able to rotate the motor in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. Inside the L293D IC, there are two H-bridge circuits that help the driver two control two motors at a time. It can provide a maximum current of 600mA per channel. The maximum voltage ranges from 5V up to 36V.

- 74HC595 Shift Register
It is an 8 bit Serial in parallel-out shift register used in communication with the microcontroller. It can receive data serially. It can be used to control 5V loads through a 3.3V microcontroller. It has a range of operating voltages from 2V to 6V. It has 3 pins connected with the MCU data, latch, and clock pin to communicate with the MCU.

Schematic Diagram:
I have implemented the design on Altium Designer. After designing the symbols and footprints of the circuit on the schematic and PCB library, I have created the schematic design on a schematic sheet.
I have uploaded the schematic file online on Inventhub from where the user and manufacturers can download my design files and implement my design.
PCB Board:
For the fabrication, I converted my design from the schematic file to the PCB file. In the PCB file, I can make connections, route them, write the specifications of my board, and can view the 3D view of my PCB board. Then I uploaded all the PCB designing files online on Inventhub, the benefit of doing this is that mow I do not need to visit my manufacturer, I can send this PCB file to him so that he can fabricate my PCB.
Design for Manufacturing:
I have created the release of my project online on Inventhub for users, manufacturers, and component providers. They can view and download all my design files and library files in a ZIP file format to avoid any conflict in the design.
Bill of Materials:
My BOM file contains the detail of each component with exact dimensions, library reference, manufacturer, and quantity. After the fabrication, I need to embed components on my board for which I can contact my component provider. He can view and download my BOM file in CSV format and can deliver my components as per my design requirements.
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