The controller is a Chromatron wifi pixel controller. It will be released on Kickstarter in the coming weeks, more info here:

Chromatron uses a scripting language based on Python (called FX Script) to create the graphics pattern. This project uses a simple rainbow pattern:

# this script generates rolling rainbow pattern

# declare a global variable for current hue
current_hue = Number()

# init - runs once when script is loaded
def init():
    # set pixels to full colors (maximum saturation)
    pixels.sat = 1.0

    # set to maximum brightness
    pixels.val = 1.0

# runs periodically, frame rate is configurable
def loop():
    # increment the base hue so the rainbow pattern
    # shifts across the pixels
    current_hue += 0.005

    # declare a local variable
    a = Number()
    a = current_hue

    # loop over all pixels in array
    for i in pix_count():
        pixels[i].hue = a
        # shift color for next iteration
        a += 1.0 / pix_count()

The LEDs are APA102, but pretty much anything else could be substituted.