3D Printing Concepts:
3D printing process:
FDM specific Concepts:
- Filament
3D printing flow:
software to create 3D model >> software to "slice" 3D model >> software to send it to 3D printer >> 3D printer firmware (interprets commands for movement)
These sections will utilize the following hardware:
- Computer to be used up to sending the program to the 3D printer
- Printer Mechanical
- Printer Electronics
3D modeling software:
To be determined. . .3D slicer:
Repeteir Host
Sending Commands to Printer:
This hinges on what printer electronics are used. Either to have Repetier control the printer direct, or to drop some G-code onto an SD card that is used by the printer.
Currently using Repeteir Host to send G code commands to UNO without use of SD card. Would like to have SD card capability.
Printer Electronics:
Not sure which direction I will go yet (not in the order of preference):
- Smoothieboard
- Teensy 3.1 / RAMPS
- Mega / RAMPS
- **Currently testing with Teacup without RAMPS board** UNO / RAMPS
Printer Hardware:
- **Not Used** The first go around of this will just be a simple x/y/z table that I had built long ago using a scanner bed. The bed has been scavenged for the mill, so a new one will be needed. Modification will be required.
- Looking at the stripped printer/copier parts I have on hand, I am leaning towards using a copy machine scanner bed as the y axis, a stepper driven printer as the x axis and a copy machine paper selection tray as the z axis (which uses a rack and pinion). This would be a mix match of parts, but it would give me more travel than the prior hardware option.
- Y axis
- Copier Scanner bed carriage is in progress
- X Axis
- Using same style of industrial printer that was used for claw machine. This is longer than is needed, but everything else I had would not be long enough.
- Z Axis
- The paper selector has been chosen, but nothing more has been done.
- Y axis
Printer extruder. Intentions are to build one.
Extruder design options:
- http://www.3ders.org/articles/20131231-all-metal-next-gen-3d-printer-extruder-from-micron.html
- Removable Nozzles
- Spring loaded tensioner for clamping onto plastic wire
- MB Plus RepRap Hot End (on Thinigverse)
- http://reprap.org/wiki/Geared_extruder_nozzle
- http://reprap.org/wiki/Extruder_Nozzle_Variation
- http://reprap.org/wiki/Hot_End_Comparison
Extruder wants. (keep in mind I have no experience in 3D printing):
- Be able to switch between 3mm and 1.75mm
- Removable nozzles to switch between different sizes