Simple Connection Diagram
10/17/2018 at 14:11 • 0 commentsI added a V-Select pin header. With a two pin jumper, you can select where the power to the 5V regulator is sourced. If you have enough voltage (>7vdc) going to the motor, you can use that voltage to power the regulator. If you have a smaller motor voltage, you can get the regulator source power from the Vin pin of the shield. You would then need a DC supply connected to the Arduino board.
Improvements for Next Board Run
10/16/2018 at 22:09 • 0 commentsOf course nothing is perfect but I was close! LOL! The next roboShield will have the following improvements.
- The shield Eagle Library I used to get the pins in the correct position was out of date and did not have the 2 extra pins for IORef and the unused pin. That header will be increased in size from 6 to 8.
- Two pins on the Vstamp should have been tied to +5v. That will be fixed easily on the next run.
- The ISP header should pass through the shield but I will have to look at moving the Vstamp a little. May be a tough one...
- The 5V regulator led flashes when the 5v regulator (for servo power) has no power input. I need to trouble shoot the cause of this. Not a game stopper, all other functions work well when this happens. Maybe it's ok because this then indicates you don't have any power to source your 5V for the servos...??
- My library mixed up Motor1 and Motor2 from the labels on the board. Easy library fix.
Tested Motor Control
10/15/2018 at 13:56 • 0 commentsI purchased a tank track chasis and used roboShield to operate the motors. This will be an ongoing project for and continued in another post. This will use the Wav files to play sounds like the tank would make.
Magic Mike in Action
10/15/2018 at 13:51 • 0 comments -
A new robot for roboShield
10/15/2018 at 13:49 • 0 commentsI started working on a new robot to automate. Must be a cousin of Toby's named Magic Mike II :)
Toby finds a friend...
06/02/2018 at 23:53 • 0 comments -
roboShield Demo
06/02/2018 at 02:19 • 0 comments2 more roboShield Videos.
roboShield has become aware...
05/18/2018 at 14:40 • 0 commentsNothing like Skynet mind you...
The roboShield boards are working as expected. I had to add one jumper from +5v to the TTS board :( so they are not perfect. I only have some photos and will do some Toby reprogramming soon for some new videos. Thanks for looking!
10 roboShields
05/11/2018 at 18:02 • 0 commentsI got the boards from China today. I plan to put it through it's paces this weekend...
WAVstamp is here....
05/08/2018 at 14:49 • 0 commentsMy WAVstamp boards got here first. roboShield will be here by the end of the week :)