• Toy Solar Car

    02/19/2024 at 02:42 0 comments

    This article is about a toy solar car kit you can purchase on the Amazon website.

    The video shows a car moving:

    If you order the kit on Amazon, this is what you will receive in the mail:

    Unpacked kit:

    Step 1: Attach the Four Fixtures

    You attach the four fixtures with the provided screwdriver, bolts, and nuts:

    Note that I left one hole in the bottom right fixture without a bolt. This is for the motor fixture to be attached later.

    Top view:

    Step 2: Attach the Back Rod

    You attach a cog on the right side and a washer on the left side:

    Zoomed in:

    Step 3: Attach the Front Rod

    You put the orange washers on each side of the rod:

    Step 4: Attach the Motor and the Solar Cell

    Attach the motor with bolts and nuts. Attach the solar cell by peeling off the piece of paper from the double-sided tape:

    Bottom view:

    Step 5: Attach the Wheels

    The wheels can be attached by exerting a small force:

    Step 6: Testing

    The car will only move in bright sunlight. Idea temperatures should be above 30 degrees Celsius.

    You need to loosen the wheels before you test the car. Make sure that the wheels can be easily rotated.



    There are other toy solar car kits available on Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, and Temu websites. Some are made from wood, which is more sustainable.