
96 Results for "raspberry"

  • Raspberry Pi adapter for LED Strip

  • Henner Zeller created the Spixels project to control 16 LED strips at once from a Raspberry Pi:SpixelsThe Spixels library and PCB to control SPI-type LED strips was originally developed for the Noisebridge Flaschen-Taschen project, but broken out as...
  • CAN Bus simulator on the Raspberry Pi

  • Julien Vanier created this CAN bus simulator on the Raspberry Pi to help develop and test the Carloop open-source car adapter:CAN Simulatorused to transmit and receive messages simulating OBD-II communications and regular vehicle messagesThe simulator...
  • Raspberry Pi Zero WiFi without USB

  • @mincepi added WiFi to the Raspberry Pi Zero without using USB:pi2wifi$5 WiFi for the Pi Zero without using USBMore information is on the creators website:mince pimincepi has shared the board on OSH Park:pi2wifi-v1.0
  • IceZero FPGA Board for Raspberry Pi

  • Black Mesa Labs created this board that adds a Lattice FPGA to a Raspberry Pi:IceZero FPGA Board for RaspPiBML has been very much enchanted with the Lattice FPGA boards for Raspberry Pi, IcoBoard , BlackIce and IceHat. The IceZero board is a BML creation...
  • A raspberry pi based lego retro arcade

  • Hi, everyone. This is my first Hackaday project. A Raspberry pi based Lego arcade! This is what you will need.  A raspberry pi 2 3 or 4   a display like this very small HDMI  cableprint...
  • Building a DIY Smart Home System Using Raspberry Pi

  • In the rapidly evolving landscape of smart homes and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the Raspberry Pi has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool for DIY enthusiasts and tech-savvy individuals. With its compact size, affordable price, and robust capabilities,...
  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B with 8 GB RAM

  • Raspberry Pi  Foundation came up with the next iteration of Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi 4 Model-B with 8GB RAM. . It offers ground-breaking increases in processor speed, multimedia performance, memory;...
  • Raspberry Pi Zero W Overview and Official Case

  • Ever dreamt of your own single board computer? Well, Raspberry Pi makes it easier for you to build your own single board computer. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a...
  • Design a Raspberry Pi add-on board with KiCad

  • Learn how to design a simple add-on board for Raspberry Pi with KiCad in 20 minutes with this new tutorial from Chris Gammell of Contextual Electronics: Shine On You Crazy KiCadThis course shows how to make a custom but very simple piece of electronics...
  • Raspberry Pi Pico & RP2040: Things You Should Know

  • Here’s everything you need to know about the new board and the RP2040 chip. The official release video: How much does the Raspberry Pi Pico cost? The RPi foundation priced it at 4 US dollars (around £2.9)! How much does the RP2040 chip cost?...