
191 Results for "iot"

  • IoT

  • The IoT harnesses the power of the internet to connect physical devices in real-time. So any physical object connected through the internet can be converted into an IoT device. For example, how are you reading this article… over a smartphone, tablet,...
  • IoT shield for Arduino

  • Hello,I'm writing to let you know about 'ARMA IoT: Breakout Board for ARDUINO'. It is an IoT shield for Arduino. The board is compatible with Blynk, thingspeak libraries and it is very cool for making IoT projects in no time. It comes with a built-in...
  • Adventures in IoT

  • Experimenting with the Thor electronics and software led me to IoT devices like ESP-12. I somehow thought it was something like an nRF24L01 but using the Wifi media instead. Big was my surprise that it also contained a micro-controller on board.That...
  • fLoRa - IoT for all..

  • We are working to build a wireless sensor network platform that can be used by farmers and those in remote communities for condition monitoring.The wireless nodes use Semtech's SX1278 chipset for data communications over unlicensed ISM band at 433MHz....
  • IoT Weather Station

  • Hello everyone, my name is Phathwa, a Johannesburg-based Maker. This topic is a Solar Powered Iot Weather Station build.  The device is based on the Arduino Uno Microcontroller and the Data is visualised on the ThingBoard IoT platform. This weather...
  • MBee IOT 7080G

  • **Overview** It is designed for applications that need low latency, Low throughput data communication in a variety of radio propagation conditions. Due to the unique combination of performance, security and flexibility, the SIM7080G module is ideally...
  • IOT Air Compressor

  • Some years ago I purchased an old compressor that has been a work horse. A year ago the mechanical pressure switch and contractor's gave out causing the compressor to no longer turn off despite trying to persuade it with a hammer.I replaced the assembly...
  • Wireless IOT Sensors

  • A compact integrated sensors in a compact enclosure with dual power supply using 2AA battery as well as powered from an external power supply by changing the power jumper and allowing to use the 5 to 12VDC external power supply , shows the great...
  • IOT Interface Vibration Sensors

  • Vibration Sense!! Generally Exhibited by the prong of a tuning fork or by swinging the pendulum which slightly describes as random motion of molecules or particle in the fluid(Brownian motion) as well as in atmosphere leads to the continuous bombardment...
  • IoT Current Monitoring Transmitter

  • Maximum cities or metropolitan residential areas people still have to face the drawback of a high voltage earthing issue, isolation problems. For common person they are still not able to test these problems by any means even if they want to, then they...
  • Internet of Things (IoT) projects

  • Certainly! Internet of Things (IoT) projects can be diverse and cater to various interests and applications. Here are some IoT project ideas to consider: Smart Home Automation:Create a system to control lights, thermostat, and other home appliances using...
  • IoT in your existing Switchboard

  • GOOGLE ASSISTANT AND ESP8266 BASED SMART APPLIANCE CONTROL GOOGLE Assistant To Control your Lights & Fan Home automation has become very common now days and people are using IoT to automate everything in their home. Today, I...