
268 Results for "%E3%80%8A%20%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98%20OIO%E2%89%A1%E2%91%A7%E2%91%A389%E2%89%A183O%E2%91%A5%E3%80%8B%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%89%B9%E3%83%99grace%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EF%BC%B3%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%D0%B5%20%D1%8F%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EB%B9%84%EC%9A%A9superstition%20%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E2%80%B2%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%C2%A7%EF%BC%98fetch"

  • Open Source Science Tricorder

  • 3: Constructing the CaseThis beautiful case is constructed from laser cut acrylic --...
  • Simon Says with DPT-Board

  • Time to write some code/** * Simon Says for the DPT-Board * Date: 14 october 2015 */ // translating to hardware pins. ex: [23, 22, 1, ...] var output = [6, 7, 16, 8]; var input = [12, 13, 15, 19]; // length of current run var currLength = 2; // generated...
  • Open the Processing program

  • Once the Arduino code is uploaded, download and open the processing code. Again set the same baud rate and mention the correct com port as you did earlier. import processing.serial.*; int DistanceUltra; int IncomingDistance; Serial myPort; String DataIn;...
  • Build processes

  • Enclosure Printing The individual elements for the enclosure were 3D printed with the following settings. Layer Height: 0.15mm Infill Density: 25% Infill Pattern: Tri Hexagon Base Adhesion: Brim PCB Assembly For ease of assembly mount the components...
  • Assemble your Printer

  • You can check out the interactive model for the Trash Printer on the SketchUp 3D viewer, or download it from the SketchUp 3D warehouse. You can use this model as a reference to see how all the parts go together, and you can also use it to modify...
  • Addressable MUX code

  • As mentioned, one of the reasons for developing this system is that I do not want to rewrite code every time I start a new synth project.The idea with this project is that when initialised the microcontroller will poll each possible card address and...
  • Wiring the matrix (columns)

  • Now, solder 8 wires between C'x and G"x. Calculate the appropriate current limiting resistors values and have them handy (do the calcs and buy them beforehand). Solder the resistors on the borad and use wires to solder the PMOS drains (D'0, ..., D'7)...
  • Lightbar

  • Python Code. This reads a text file modified by the web server and then updates the image buffer. Handles button presses and sending the data to the Teensy/light strip. My python knowledge isn't the best so I'm sure there was a better way to do a lot...
  • laptop2pi

  • These instructions assume some familiarity with the Pi and it's command line. You're also going to be disassembling the laptop, cutting bits away, and soldering. Make sure you're comfortable with that.PREPARE THE SD CARD FOR THE ZERODownload the latest...
  • Step 2- Parts

  • Bellow is a list of all the parts you will need. There are only two kinds of parts which are custom and they are the waterjet cut aluminum frame parts and the axle spindle.  Waterjet Aluminum Parts I would recommend you start by visiting the...
  • Program

  • Recommended application to use for SSH connection:Mobaxterm - in Raspberry Pi Weather Station wget When download...
  • Set the clock and upload the sketch

  • Upload the sketch using the Arduino UNO as SPI programmer. Use 1mm diameter pogo pins to connect to the board: Make sure to burn the bootloader with the clock set to 8MHz (internal). Compile the following sketch with LTO enabled (sketch will be too large...
  • Step 4: The code

  • We’ll start by writing our python code, first we’ll start by importing a few libraries that we’ll need in order to integrate our code with the Minecraft world. Then, we’ll import the time library, specifically a function called sleep. The sleep function...