
137 Results for "soil+sensor"

  • Rough Idea of building the circuit

  • First lets see whats the logic and working of cold junction compensation : Thot = Temperature of the hot/measuring junctionTcold = Temperature of the cold junctionsCold junctions are kept in a isothermal block and the temperature of isothermal block...
  • Code

  • #include // library for I2C communication #include // library for I2C communication #include // library for grpahics (not needed) #include // library for OLED display #include // library for math stuff #include // library for INA226 by wollewald #define...
  • Main Wiring

  • Connect MPR121 to arudino i2c and power. On a Micro this is pins 2&3 plus VCC and GND. Flash the arduino and make sure everything works as you like. Breaking out the RST pin to a tactile switch is probably unnecessary, i've had no problem re-flashing...
  • The Dune Pain Box

  • Winding the inductors is easier than you might think!  I used about 4 feet of 18GA Magnet wire to wind the inductors for this particular power supply.  Each inductor has ~30 turns on it for an inductance of about 90uH.  If you don't have...
  • Code

  • #include "SoftwareSerial.h" String ssid ="yourSSID"; String password="yourPassword"; SoftwareSerial esp(6, 7);// RX, TX String data; String server = "yourServer"; // String uri = "yourURI";// our example is /esppost.php int DHpin = 8;//sensor...
  • Open the Processing program

  • Once the Arduino code is uploaded, download and open the processing code. Again set the same baud rate and mention the correct com port as you did earlier. import processing.serial.*; int DistanceUltra; int IncomingDistance; Serial myPort; String DataIn;...
  • CODE

  • The first code chunk declares the variables and establishes connections #include #include "Wire.h"#include #include "GravityTDS.h"#include #include #include "MS5837.h"#include "ping1d.h"#include "SoftwareSerial.h"#include "RTClib.h"#include //#include...
  • Control Motors

  • Using the IMU values, make proportional adjustments to motor speed. The right values and constants of proportionality can be found through trial and error. #include #include #include "RTIMUSettings.h" #include "RTIMU.h" #include "RTFusionRTQF.h"...
  • Step 9: The code

  • Now, it’s time to start our program! First, import the a few libraries, such as MCPI library which is the Minecraft Pi Python library that allows us to use a very simple API to integrate with the Minecraft world; time library which allows us to us sleep...
  • Interfacing With Blynk App

  • Blynk is the most popular Internet of Things platform for connecting any hardware to the cloud, designing apps to control them, and managing your deployed products at scale. With Blynk Library you can connect over 400 hardware models including ESP8266,...
  • Instructions:

  • Step 1: Gather Your Components Laser XY Scanner - BOM I usually like to source my parts from DigiKey, but the low-cost options on Amazon are hard to beat sometimes. This list is just one of many sources for each component in the BOM. There are of...

  • // Libraries #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Adafruit_AHRS_Mahony.h" #include //MOTOR // Pins for all inputs, keep in mind the PWM defines must be on PWM pins #define STBY D7 #define AIN1 D8 #define AIN2 D9 #define PWMA...