
302 Results for "smart car"

  • Electronics

  • - First, collect all the necessary components (as seen in components list) - Now as for soldering the components together you can either do it out of the case or in the case. I soldered all the components out of the case using very thin enameled copper...
  • SMS

  • Let's create a SMS alert whenever the scale takes a weight measurement.We are going to follow the Trigger notification setup process outlined here. Make sure your weight history data bucket is loaded.Click on the bucket's settings (under its name)...
  • Adafruit.IO Configuration

  • But first, let's configure our feed. There are a lot of datalogging services available for communicating a microcontroller to the web. With those services you can upload/download data to/from the cloud, and do a lot of cool stuff. Take a...
  • Programming the Robot (Code)

  • The code is simple enough to understand. The only problem was when I had to use the tmrpcm library to play audio using arduino the servo motors won't spin. It's because the servo and tmrpcm library both works on timer1 of Arduino. To overcome...
  • Generate and Handle Keys

  • If you're planning to implement a system of your own (which is probably why you're here in the first place) you will need to generate an RSA key-pair. RSA is basically an encryption method that involves two keys. A public key used to encrypt data, and...
  • Solution

  • Chlorophyll can be found in algae which is a photosynthetic organism. A technique called fluorometry is used to measure how much light a material emits when excited using light of different wavelengths(Fluorescence). When Chlorophyll is seen under white...
  • Build Your Feedback Network

  • I'm using Home Assistant and ESPhome to feed sensor data from an ESP32 connected to a Peacefair PZEM-017 energy monitor to record solar input data, Shelly Smart Plugs to measure the power consumption of the Shredder and Trash Printer, and other...
  • Introduction

  • Introducing Pet Pot - Not Your Ordinary Planter! Have you ever wanted a plant that communicates with you? Well, that's exactly what Pet Pot is all about! Pet Pot is not just an ordinary planter; it's a smart planter with a unique personality. Pet Pot...
  • DIY Smart Home Arduino

  • Home Automation system using Arduino Steps Step 1 – Designing the Circuit Guys, I have designed a PCB layout where you can easily mount your Arduino Nano 33 IOT and your SSR, set this up without using messy wires and cables hanging around. Get Complete...
  • Get Started

  • Line Following Robots are pretty basic and have a readily-available instruction on building it on Internet. Keeping the usual LFR aside, the one we shall be building is different. Why is that?1. It has a purpose.2. It is pretty smart. In other words,...