
82 Results for "kicad"

  • Shared directories

  • Shared Directories You can access the Display server by mounting it as a shared directory. How to do that is explained in another section. For now, let's assume that we have three display servers mounted as /mnt/Display01, /mnt/Display02, and /mnt/Display03....
  • Proximity-based Switch

  • In order to turn the remote control system on, an external switch was used. You can think of it as a button, except you don't need to press it, just hover something above it. It also works apart from the circuit triggered, which means it works as a wireless...
  • Conclusion

  • This proof of concept demonstrates that it's possible to track and log a soccer ball's landing position on a sports rebounder without using a webcam - instead, you can feed the output of several accelerometers into a trained recurrent neural network...
  • Build it!

  • Everything is over here: * Building your own: This is the preferred option, really. I've used JLCPCB for all the revisions above, both good and bad. If you're not good at soldering...