
47 Results for "keyboard"

  • Keyboard Circuits

  • Now that we have these wonderful 3d printed keyboard sections, and have mounted them in the case, we really need some way to electronically tell if a key has been pressed. The plan is to develop a printed circuit board with traces that act as contacts,...
  • Yet another keyboard

  • Though the old Tesla keybaord I described here and here and described by @Benchoff in #Metal Dome Keyboard is still in my drawer in amount higher than small, I'm looking for alternatives for my MiniBSD. I found one in here, for the case the listing is...
  • New Keyboard Test

  • So, I made a test print of the new keyboard model I made in Autodesk Fusion 360 the other day. In case you didn't read the last post, it looked kinda like this:It took a few tries to get a reasonable 3d model out of the Rostock printers. It didn't like...
  • Phone Teardowns + Keyboard Survey

  • We have a bunch of cheap phones we’ve been tearing apart, and wanted to post a some pics. Particularly, we’ve been looking to see how they make the buttons and keypads. Teardown Pics This one is a fake Nokia. Of all the cheap phones we’ve torn apart,...
  • Starting over: New Keyboard Model

  • I'm going to jump ahead a bit. The previous logs are for things I did weeks ago, but haven't had time to document yet. I'll get back to those, but I wanted to start sharing current events.My 3d software suddenly stopped working, and nothing I could do...
  • Designing and Building Pentasynth Keyboard

  • I built Pentasynth a few months ago as an experimental project around a musical instrument that could be played by people with limited musical knowledge. My local makerspace had got in some carvable PCB blanks for Carvey last year, and I wanted...
  • Reverse engineering the keyboard, part I

  • The first part I'm attacking is the keyboard. The keyboard is the reason I want to build a "modernized" Psion, I really like this form factor! The plan is to convert it to a USB keyboard since that will work with any modern computer, but before I can...
  • A Teardown of a metal dome keyboard

  • I'll start off with the money shot. It's a 35-key keyboard, probably originally intended for handheld inventory computers or something else used in an industrial setting. Pretty normal and what you'd expect, but check it out, doubleshot caps.Now for...
  • step 2

  • 1. Disassemble the DELL G7L00 keyboard. Found cable using a conductive rubber, the secondary can not be repaired. The pins of the EM chip (8-bit microcontroller) are measured. Preparing the circuit design, using NRF5283. Transformed into a Bluetooth...

  • This week on The Hacklet we're featuring some of the best keyboard hacks from!Hackers are really into their keyboards. Everyone has a favorite, and those favorites vary wildly. Mechanical, soft touch, ergonomic, QWERTY, DVORAK, chorded, you...
  • Now it looks like more a computer?

  • My tiny computer surely consists of essential element, human interfaces (keyboard, display), storage (SD card), and processing unit. But the current keyboard (firmware re-loaded Xbox360 chatpad) is not for touch-type long-writing one, as you see.Yesterday...
  • Case

  • While naked keyboard does have its appeal, it's time to build a case for this baby. I started by cutting out the holes for the keys in the face plate of depron:---------- more ----------They are not perfect -- laser cutter would do them better -- but...
  • No luck this time...

  • Well, it's time for the first bad report... :-(Received the production samples. Excellent build. In fact so much excellent that it has created a problem on it own.In the earlier prototypes I used to work with a different PCB factory which had more limited...