
10191 Results for ""

  • 8-24-20: Wobbly

  • After some more testing of long exposures ive found that the wobble is nearly repeatable throughout all photos, it always makes a U or V shape. I took a time-lapse of the tracker at 5s intervals and found that the output does in fact wobble. Now working...
  • May 20 - 31

  • Throughout these days, we worked on finalizing our code and finalizing our box. The only errors that had occured throughout these days was 2 of our wires breaking the day of delivery day, but we fixed that by editing our code. We also fixed the...
  • Squeezing the code because 85 bytes is too many...

  • I have started to squeeze the hook code. This can be done by merging the start, stop and data bits into a 16 bit register and use the same loop to transmit all the bits from the RS232 character (i.e. 10 bits). It also has a positive side effect that...
  • 2015-04-20

  • First build-day. Have been planning for a while, but now it is time to try my ideas.Connected an i2c 24c02 EEPROM, using A0 as a chip select. Found out that the address is actually NOT based only on A0-A2, but also a hard-coded chip-type specific "magic...
  • Batch of 20 prototypes

  • We agreed to run a summer camp with Plobot. That means a lot of kids playing with them at the same time. We ended up adding two layers of acrylic below the encoders in order for them to stand still. Things like that and cutting the terminals of the battery...
  • Status 6/20/16

  • Well that is embarrassing, I made a huge error on the positioning of the focus knobs of the microscope so the models I made yesterday are invalid. PSA: Measure twice! Or at least take a look at the model and see if it makes sense!I did print the bracket...
  • Pimped 20-channel PCB

  • OK, the one-sided board experiment was fun, but not very practical. Especially since all the fab houses out there make two-sided boards by default, so I don't save anything. So I went back to the two-sided board, applied some of the improvements I discovered...
  • 07/09/20 Update

  • MK0M has been updated to suit either 2.85mm or 3mm diameter filament. They will allow either compatibility depending on availability of materials that can be sourced locally. Nylon is still the recommended material of choice for its durability, flexibility,...
  • Update 10/25/20

  • Web page controlled Launch Sign: Used an ESP32, 6 LEDs, and a usb battery for the circuit. Code is from Random Nerd Tutorials (ESP32 Web Sever). Built  a simple sign from a polycarbonate sheet and some pieces of wood. Hot glued the LEDs under the...
  • 4/20/23

  • We used the same cardboard technique as before to confirm that the dimensions for our remote controller box are good. Our remote controller fit perfectly into the small box, so we are ready to move on to printing the final designs of our boxes. Today,...
  • Saturday May 20

  • Ok, we have some problems. The school printers being taken, we asked someone to print the parts for us. After some problems, especially related to the axes because too small, we finally have our parts. However, the holes are too small to fit the axles....
  • Around 20 fps

  • I figure out how to reach a better frame-rate on the LCD screen. On possibility I didn't tested is to grab the video frames frome the picamera library. I had doubt the RPi zero can transform fast enough the image but it's doing well at 20 fps. There...
  • 8-20-14 LEDs

  • Just doing some quick math to see the current requirements of the LED display. The LED strips I have are made for 12v and have a built in resistor. They are separated into groups of 3 serial connected LEDs with the strip itself all in parallel. There...
  • Status for May 20

  • Summary1) Power supply design is coming along2) Final design will require an embedded Arduino Nano3) Final design will use a laptop (or desktop) as displayRandom StatusA lot of little things are happening with the project but nothing of special note,...
  • 10/14 - 10/20

  • Plan This week, I need to find additional outside sources of support on my project and plan on contacting them for help.  Procedures I looked to find other researchers who are currently working to integrate the field of music with robotics. ...