
1425 Results for "Q%20%ED%85%8D%EC%82%AC%EC%8A%A4%ED%99%80%EB%8D%A49%20cddc7_com%20%E2%98%8F%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EB%AA%A8%EC%85%98%EC%BD%94%EB%93%9C%20B77%E2%98%8F%EC%98%81%EB%8D%95%201xbet%E2%85%95%EB%B6%81%EC%A4%91%EB%AF%B8%EA%B3%A8%EB%93%9C%EC%BB%B5%E0%AC%B9%EC%95%84%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%84%EC%B6%95%EA%B5%AC%E1%BB%86%EB%B9%85%EC%B9%B4%EC%A7%80%EB%85%B82%C6%9B%ED%85%8D%EC%82%AC%EC%8A%A4%ED%99%80%EB%8D%A49%EB%A6%AC%EB%B7%B0%20indianocean/"

  • Generative Networks

  • Texture Synthesis What is it like to be a computer that makes art? If a computer could originate art, what would it be like from the computer's perspective? A concept taught to beginner artists to eschew is "schema", a phenomena in which the artist draws...
  • #MRRFX and whY rethink Z

  • MRRF Last weekend I parked the current iteration of this project on a table at #MRRFX for a day. MRRFX being the tenth (Xth) gathering of the Midwest RepRap Festival (MRRF) "the largest gathering of 3D printer enthusiasts in the world!". There I met...
  • SDR NFC Laboratory

  • Description By using an SDR receiver it is possible to capture, demodulate and decode the NFC signal between the card and the reader. I do not have as an objective to explain the NFC norms or modulation techniques, there is a multitude of documentation...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • riley.august12:42 PM@Seb Lee-Delisle Sorry, I've been a little slow to keep up. Okay, so it's actually the same kind of interlock we use on ours, but our industrial lasers are connected to a tilt switch. So yours are connected to the estop signal pin,...
  • Honeybee Hive Monitoring

  • MotivationI have four little kids and a full time job, so I don't get out to the apiary as often as I'd like. I keep the hives healthy, but they do occasionally fill up most of their available space with nectar and slow down collection before I can get...
  • Modules under the hood

  • Hello, today i wanted share some detailed overview of modules, how they built and more importantly how they communicate with main controller, it's significant as standarized communication interface is something which make possible to easily extend...
  • Section #3 & Swing Arm #3

  • I have started section #3, levels 120 through 180. The structure is printing up well, no need for modifications so far. As it turns out the levels 140, 160 and 180 all have the same floor beams and legs. I didn't plan it that way, its just the way it...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Brandon12:38 PMJust like a trained safety personnel can look out for. ump12:39 PMto tag on to Dan's question, are there use cases being discussed/debated that are non-human task/automation centered? I don't have examples or inkling what other cases can...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, part 2

  • Monty12:31 PM@[skaarj] heh, we should talk. Lots of good 3D printing stuff happening there :-) todbot12:31 PMYes, avoid importing into China if you can. Or let your CM handle it Jesse Vincent12:31 PMChinese customs impoumded them. David Shuman12:31...