
463 Results for "toy"

  • Project SpiderPig

  • The proof of concept is built using a toy car that is designed to adhere to walls and ceilings. The...
  • Lucy's Toy

  • Lucy is my Border Collie & Schipperke mix dog. At nine years old, Lucy is blind now. She has Progressive Retinal Atrophy which has slowly taken her sight from her. But she still loves to chase after her stuffed toys or balls when they are tossed...
  • Educational keyboard toy

  • It's intended as an educational toy for my 2 year old son. The idea is that he plays with letters and numbers and eventually spelling and maybe even math.As mentioned above, there is a PS/2 keyboard attached to an ATMega328-P programmed using Arduino....
  • Getting started!

  • Hello everyone (although that's probably no one at the moment)This is a project I've had brewing for a while, aimed at creating a usb teledildonics device using the ATTiny 85. However, with the Trinket contest, I've decided to try developing on the more...
  • wikit popcorn demo

  • Visual programming has been mainly used in education side. When it comes to complex hardware design, it is not very useful. Although currentlty we ONLY enable the GPIO read write. We enabled a popcorn robot with sound positioning and voice recognition.See...
  • Foam Boat

  • This article is about the Foam Boat that I made. I used a foam packaging material from an electronic device that my father purchased a few month ago. 1. ToyYou can see the toy boat that I made from two brushes and dual wheel movement motor. I used five...
  • Panel - Part 1 (Design and Construction)

  • (Original post date: 1/03/16)The front panel of my vintage toy synthesiser is the place where all the dials and buttons for controlling the sound parameters will be attached to the toy piano. While the final design of the panel has turned out very similar...
  • Hardware Flow Control

  • Hooked one of these up to a Cadetwriter at VCF West and found out a couple of things:  (1) The Cadetwriter doesn't like to operate at 300 baud & (2) the hardware flow control I implemented is incomplete at best.I tried it at 300 baud...
  • Rabbid Animated Clock

  • This clock is based on the light-up X-Ray Rabbid character offered as a happy meal toy from McD’s back in 2015, with the base from a Power Ranger toy (no, I don’t eat happy meals and yes, I have kids.)  However, this particular Rabbid toy saw service...
  • First Pass Prototypes

  • The PCBs arrived a couple days ago. I had a lot of trouble getting the accelerometer soldered properly. The technique that worked on the accelerometer was to create small solder bumps both on the PCB and the LIS3DH, use a good amount of flux paste, and...