
6277 Results for "esp8266"

  • Automated Home Office On Air Sign

  • As briefly mentioned in the Description, my first ‘step’ was installing the Home Assistant app on my work phone and configuring it to report the state of the actual ‘phone.’ I won’t go into details, as it’s pretty straight-forward, but this allowed me...
  • Back on it

  • Holidays are over and things are back to normal, so I'm starting to get the feeder ready to remount on the balcony. After some multimeter diagnostics, my current design will run at 5V, but not reliably. The voltage drop across the BD139 puts the sensor's...
  • RP2040 Based IoT Board - IoTPi

  •  I was just surfing internet for RP2040 Based IoT Board and found an amazing board IoTPi, which is powered by Raspberry Pi's RP2040 microcontroller onboard and available in 4 channel relay & 6 Channel relays.  We seen several...
  • Inspirations/references

  • When researching ways to go about modifying an IKEA Vindriktning I found these links quite helpful: Sören Beye's original mod on GitHub@lond's #IKEA Vindriktning PCB Michi Lehr's build including a CCS811 sensorBlakadder's build with...
  • The types of sensors

  • On November 10, 2014, the Entella river, which flows near my house, overflowed, causing a lot of damage, including the flooding of my cellar, in which I had set up my small electronics laboratory. I had to throw everything away: oscilloscope, function...
  • pxlBlck_CassetteLamp

  • This lamp is a little homage to the time when music was not on a 512GB micro SD card but in the form of audio cassettes.  I thought it was a shame to let the old cassettes gather dust in a box in the basement and made a small decorative lamp out...
  • No More I2C Expander!

  • For expediency's sake I had originally chosen to drive my LCD using an I2C "backpack" board, specifically one with the PCF8574 GPIO expander. Along with the help of the New-LiquidCrystal library, I was able to get it running fairly easily (after...
  • How to configure time zone

  • All Clocks are shipped with pre-installed firmware. Unfortunately, timezone settings are hardwired in the firmware (one day I will rewrite it to be able to change it without re-flashing). So unless you order from Europe, chances are you need to reconfigure...
  • SMD soldering I: Preparation

  • Before this project, I had never done SMD soldering, maybe bodging a wire onto an ESP8266 ESP-01 module, but that was it. Usually, I'd just try to solder all the tiny components by hand. But the LED that we're using doesn't have contacts on its side,...
  • ESPHome customization, round 1

  • I marked all of my S31 devices with different colors so I could keep track of what was what. I have green, pink, yellow, and orange markings. Here's the yellow one:I then set about making some initial changes to the ESPHome sample configuration. This...
  • PCB Update

  • The whiteboarding/brainstorming session was helpful in identifying that there are two particular Users or Customers or "people who could find this interesting". To ensure that it appeals to both types, the project requires a DIY version and Ready-to-use...