• Lipsync Build at CrashBang Labs

    03/07/2018 at 15:25 0 comments

    For Hackaday's Create Day 2018 we at CrashBang Labs will be doing a build of the Lipsync mouse. This device is a mouth operated joystick with a puff and sip switch for clicks. It allows paraplegics and others with limited use of their hands to operate smart phones and tablets. Previous versions of this device cost upwards of $2000 but the Lipsync can be manufactured for only about $300 due to it's open source technology, 3d printed parts and use of volunteers for assembly and distribution.

    We will be assembling a Lipsync from scratch to demonstrate the ease of construction and to train lab members in it's assembly. Anyone is welcome to attend to take a look at the device and other open source assistive technologies that will be on display.