
RGB HexMatrix | IOT Clock 2.0

PCB Version Of The Previous HexMatrix Clock.

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HexMatrix 2.0 is a upgraded to previous HexMatrix Clock . In the previous version we have used WS2811 LEDs by that the HexMatrix became heavy and thick. But in this version of matrix we are going to use custom PCB with WS2812b LEDs which made this matrix to be 3 cm thin.

PCB Gerber File

x-zip-compressed - 77.21 kB - 09/16/2020 at 03:55



ino - 36.77 kB - 09/16/2020 at 03:55



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 85.47 kB - 09/16/2020 at 03:56



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 17.27 kB - 09/16/2020 at 03:55



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 103.60 kB - 09/16/2020 at 03:55


View all 7 files

  • 1 × NodeMCU(ESP8266)
  • 96 × WS2812B LEDs
  • 1 × 5V 3A Power Supply(Micro USB)
  • 1 × Custom PCB
  • 1 × 3D Printed Parts

  • 1
    3D Printing:
    • Click for STL files
    • 3D Print all the 3D models, make sure to print the screen in white PLA.
    • The design I made is for hanging on the wall you can modify as per your requirement in Fusion360 Fusion360 file.
  • 2
    Circuit Connection:
    • Solder all the LEDs on PCB in correct order.
    • Make all the connections as shown in circuit diagram.
    • GND~GND
    • Vin~5V
    • D2~Din
  • 3
    • Open the code given in Arduino IDE. Click for Code
    • Install the FastLED Library and board library for ESP8266 boards.
    • Type your Wifi_Name and Password
    //Your Wifi info
    const char* ssid = "Wifi_Name";
    const char* password = "Password";
    • Enter the time zone of your country
    //Your time zone
    int timezone = 5.5 * 3600;
    • If say for me in India time zone is 5:30 I have typed 5.5,similarly you have to put time zone of your country.
    • Select the Board type as ESP8266 (NodeMCU),select the port and upload the code.
    • After the code is successfully uploaded check the Matrix by powering it with micro USB adapter.
    • You can even display animations from FastLED library examples.

View all 4 instructions

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Minocc wrote 06/13/2021 at 00:56 point

Would it be possible to add support for a rtc?  I want to bring one in to work, but I can't connect it to the wifi there due to security policies.

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Mukesh Sankhla wrote 06/13/2021 at 03:24 point

Yes you can try it, I would suggest to go with any Atmega Microcontroller with RTC Module or RP2040.

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Minocc wrote 12/10/2020 at 01:59 point

The LED symbol on the board is 180 degrees off.  You need to position the notch of the LED at the opposite corner for it to work.

  Are you sure? yes | no

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