Essentially finished. I think the surface turned out about the way I had hoped. Will make a movie of the whole landing sequence and then call this project finished.
All software is done. Starting to build up the lunar surface. Layer of spray glue, sprinkle with grout, repeat. So far so good, I think. Maybe a few more layers, then let the humidity in the air do the final curing.
Finally the electronics are done and installed into the control box with all the cables shortened and tucked away. Today put the final touches on the bulk of the programming. Added in modes to abort a landing at any point. Getting close. The finish is in sight.
One thing I've have to have to make this project stand out is a good lunar surface. My current plan is to wet the landing surface with water, sprinkle on some grout, let it set for 30 minutes, remove any excess, then repeat until it looks reasonable. I think this may work....
A slight mod to the suface testing. Now spray the surface with adhesive, sprinkle on some grout, spray again, repeat. Also trying to insert a few random rocks into the mix. I think this is better and getting very close to the effect I'm looking for.
The PCB arrived from JCLPCB. Arduino Nano and sound card from Adafruit also now here. It's a simple circuit -- just a couple of motor controllers and some voltage convertors which could have been easily done with a perf-board, but I think having a real PCB makes everything look more professional.
That's pretty cool! I got the Eagle kit for Christmas 2019, had a blast building it. Don't know that I have the guts to animate it, though -- seems like I'd probably break it. Good luck with the build!
That's pretty cool! I got the Eagle kit for Christmas 2019, had a blast building it. Don't know that I have the guts to animate it, though -- seems like I'd probably break it. Good luck with the build!