This is one of two intentional modifications to CRONUS' look. The red of his eyes fits the original Omni Jr. look quite well but not Radio Shack's version.
CRONUS' neck is modified such that he can turn his head and the red eye cover is removed cause I think white suits him better.
The Omni Jr. already has a built-in speaker that I took for audio output. To amplifiy the signal coming out of the Odroid, I used an old TDA2822M that I had lying around in one of those boxes you have, when you eviscerate old hardware from time to time.
Voice controll
CRONUS uses the google speech recognition API for Python to understand and he speaks via espeak. I decided to build my own AIML semanitc extractor and not to use Jasper, because AIML already offers better methods to implement the interpretation of commands by semantic reduction and tags to call external functions.
What I really don't like here is that I must access the internet to have voice recognition which is the only point that violates the robot's autonomy. I tried PocketSphinx but it really worked out badly. My plan is now to use google's solution until I have time to train and configure cmusphinx.
Artificial Intelligence
CRONUS runs an AIML based chatrobot that is heavily based on the ALICE files.
are you using Dr Wallace's referece AIML interpreter and model for chat?