FemtoBeacon, the world's smallest open-source wireless IMU sensor. Arduino compatible! Think of it like a wireless cochlea for electronics.
BUY on Tindie: https://www.tindie.com/search/#q=FemtoBeacon
I am currently developing a dime-sized (18mm diameter) wireless IMU (9-DoF), and associated C/C++ libraries.
FemtoBeacon uses the Atmel SAM R21 (ATSAMR21E18A), with an onboard altimeter (MS5611-01BA03), and 9-DoF Gyroscope with integrated Accelerometer, Magnetometer, and built-in Motion Processing features (MPU-9250). The SAM R21 has integretated wireless capabilities (ZigBee, Mesh networking).
IMU data is sent over a mesh network back to a node of your choosing (using the Atmel LwMesh stack).
FemtoBeacon runs at 48MHz. There is 256KB of flash available. It has an onboard voltage regulator, which outputs 3.3V.
This board supports uploading programming over USB, thanks to our modified fork of the Arduino ZERO Core and Bootloader.The entire flash storage may be used if programmed with the ATMEL-ICE dongle over SWD.
Current work on the libraries, and examples: https://github.com/femtoduino
Arduino Core and Bootloader, setup instructions: https://github.com/femtoduino/ArduinoCore-atsamd21e18a
Kickstarter for beta testing boards: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1265095814/the-dime-sized-femtobeacon-wireless-imu-arm-cortex
is possible add https://reticulum.network/index_pl.html to this project?